Jeffrey G. Allen
Jeffrey G. Allen, J.D., C.P.C. is the world’s leading placement lawyer. Jeff turned a decade of recruiting and human resources management into the specialty of placement law. He has collected more placement fees, litigated more trade secrets cases, and assisted more placement practitioners than anyone else. From individuals to multinational corporations in every phase of staffing, his name is synonymous with competent legal advice. Jeff can be reached at Law Offices of Jeffrey G. Allen, 10401 Venice Blvd., Ste. 106, Los Angeles, CA 90034 (310)559-6000 or jeff@placementlaw.com.

Since your fee schedule wasn't signed by us, we don't owe you anything.

  By Jeffrey G. Allen  |    Wednesday December 27, 2012

Ve-r-r-ry fast, if you know the law!

It's truly amazing how many employer lawyers attempt to use the ancient statute of frauds to shoehorn a contingency-fee arrangement into a contract that must be in writing and signed by the party to be charged (the client).

The common law (original judge-made law) evolved into written statutes that require real estate contracts, promises to pay someone else's debts, or contracts for larger sales of goods to be in writing. It makes perfect sense. Requiring a writing protects the parties against being defrauded (or just misled – whether intentionally or otherwise) by each other.

But there's another traditional area where the statute of frauds is applied. That is in contracts requiring more than one year to perform. Again, it makes perfect sense. If it takes a long time to perform a contract, the parties might forget the original terms.

Does a placement take more than one year to perform? Of course, one can. But this is the exception, and surely not within the contemplation of the parties. Oral contingency-fee placement agreements are fully enforceable . . . as long as you can prove they were made.

So don't let some employer lawyer ever fool you with this one!

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