
The oversharing world and the workplace by Tiffany Turner

  By Anonymous  |    Monday February 2, 2016

Today’s young workers are on at least one social media if not more which means their lives are constantly on display. The good, the bad and the boss bashing . . . 20 years ago, employers did not have such access in to their employees lives. What went on in the off hours stayed personal for the most part. Of course there was the office gossip, but little was able to be substantialized. Silly mistakes, angry venting and drunken escapades weren’t put in front of hundreds if not thousands of people. Today’s management and human resources have access to such incidents. 

How do we fairly judge the youthful worker? 

Understanding the plight of youth and allowing for moments of frustration are essential when considering this new employee. Remembering ones own first foray into the adult workforce. Usually it wasn’t the best job, lots of busy work, or catering to a senior employee, many reasons for frustrated vents and need to blow off steam. 

Setting boundaries are also important. Approaching social media by emphasizing the social part. So many older users have begun to use social media as a work tool which can be fine if boundaries are set and acknowledged. 

Many social media sites have begun have different private and security settings that are good tools to used to help define these boundaries. 

The Complete Guide to Facebook Privacy Settings by Dan O'Halloran

Remember when you are perusing a social media site you are essentially spying on your employee during Happy Hour, i.e. their personal time (despite the fact that posts often happen during work hours).

Offering social media etiquette classes are another way to help the younger employees understand the accessibility to their lives. Many don’t get the image they portray to the world and yet are often judged harshly for their youthful indiscretions. 

Forbes had a great article: Social Media Etiquette: 12 Step Checklist by Ilya Pozin

Here’s another good list:  Top 12 Rules of Social Media Etiquette by Lydia Ramsey

Teaching personal branding is one way to get millennials to comprehend the importance of their digital persona. 

7 Things You Can Do To Build An Awesome Personal Brand Shama by Hyder

5 Steps to Build Your Personal Brand by THOMAS SMALE

The biggest thing to keep in mind while working with millennials is that they respond best when working with someone who they trust, respect and feel like they can talk to. Being approachable is important. Being their boss shouldn't mean being an authority figure, it means being a mentor, and a role model. Avoid judging, instead use the moments to teach them. This generation has a thirst for information and knowledge and a need to be heard. They just need someone to teach them how to be heard in an appropriate way. 

Personal Branding Definition:

Personal branding is essentially the ongoing process of establishing a prescribed image or impression in the mind of others about an individual, group or organization.

Urban Dictionary Definition:

Personal Branding

1. What you create when you want to be honest about lying about who you are. 

2. The persona created by public figures or their handlers, which can then be marketed, sold and traded for gain by the owner. Synonymous with the old concepts of Gentlemanand Lady, sans the honorifics.

1. Frank realized his most recent Facebook post didn't support his Personal Branding, so he deleted it. 

2. Lady Gaga has brought the art of Personal Branding full circle by reincorporating the old required honorific into her persona.

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