Tony Sorensen
Tony Sorensen is a national staffing industry expert and has spoken at conferences and contributed to publications including EMInfo, ERE, Monster.com, Star Tribune, and Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal. Tony is a 20-year industry veteran, and is the CEO of both Versique Search & Consulting and Parqa – a digital marketing agency for the staffing industry. Through digital marketing, Versique now receives over 50% of its revenue from people finding them on Google. He is passionate about helping other staffing firm business owners grow their businesses and experience incredible ROI through digital marketing. Receive a FREE digital marketing assessment: https://parqamarketing.com/contact-us/free-assessment/

5 Eye-Opening Reasons to Outsource Your Marketing to an Agency (Staffing & Recruiting Edition)

  By Tony Sorensen  |    Wednesday November 11, 2020

With around 20,000 staffing and recruiting firms in the country, how does the lone agency stand out in today’s competitive market?


Hint: The secret isn’t much of a mystery; it’s just having outstanding marketing.

If done right, marketing genuinely has the power to help your business connect with more clients, candidates, and partners over time. 

The challenge is often that staffing, recruiting, and search firms aren’t doing enough marketing or run into barriers when they do it all in-house. 

Listed below are five eye-opening examples of how outsourcing your marketing to an agency can improve your bottom line, supplement your existing marketing team, and drive more traffic to your business.

It’s Cost-Effective

Marketing agencies frequently get a bad rep for being exorbitantly expensive. With how tight budgets are right now, outsourcing to an agency may appear not to be the most financially-sane option.


However, outsourcing marketing to an agency is surprisingly more cost-effective than you would think, especially when compared to marketing in-house. 


Let’s say you’re considering hiring an internal marketer with a starting salary of 70K, with another 30K in costs with benefits. You’re looking at around 100K each year for their full-time help.

Now, consider the cost of an agency. With an average rate of $150 an hour, let’s say you purchase a monthly retainer of 40 hours. After a year of outsourcing your marketing, you’ve only spent 72K. The difference? The outsourced agency offers a team of marketing specialists at your disposal vs. a lone marketer.

Complements Your Existing Marketing Team

Even if you have an excellent full-time marketing team that’s effective, it rarely hurts to bring extra help for special projects or offload tasks on an as-needed basis. Many staffing and recruiting firms rely on marketing agencies to supplement or even enhance their existing marketing team when projects pile up. 


You might have a phenomenal digital marketing manager, but they don’t have any video marketing experience. The digital marketing manager comes up with a delightful idea to turn a salary guide into a video series, but since they don’t have any first-hand experience with video or have the necessary equipment, they look for outside help with a local marketing firm. The firm steps in and gets the project done, while the digital marketing manager can focus on other marketing initiatives. Additionally, the marketing agency remains on stand-by if the company decides to make more videos.


Access to Emerging Technology

Typically, experimenting with new digital marketing technology in-house comes with a bit of risk, especially when you factor in ramp-up time to learn the technology and trial-and-error from using it. Marketing agencies have a clear advantage because they often have experience working with emerging digital marketing technology and knowing what works and what doesn’t. It would be like trying to learn how to use a seismograph on your own even though there’s a seismologist down the street who would be willing to teach you how to use it for only a few bucks.  


Say you want to implement a recruiting chatbot on your website. It sounds simple in theory, but after doing some research, it requires a bit more work than you thought. As a business owner, you’ve got many more important things to worry about, so you call your friendly neighborhood marketing agency to help get it setup. Not only do they get it all installed and ready, but they also show you how to run it so that you can continue to prosper from this technology.



At the end of the day, results matter. Are you getting the number of new clients you wanted through ads? Is your firm ranking first on Google? Marketing agencies are extremely metrics focused. Within an agreed-upon timeframe, you can easily tell if your marketing efforts are paying off or falling flat. Any noteworthy marketing firm will be able to literally show you that the work they are doing is paying off in four, five, or even six-figure outcomes. 


Let’s say you work with a marketing agency to develop an in-depth eBook that’s meant to drive new business. After promoting the eBook for a month on LinkedIn, the marketing agency tells you that the eBook created 50 leads, 10 of which turned into sales that generated over 100K in revenue.

Outsourced CMO

With an average salary of $174,234, Chief Marketing Officers are a significant investment for any business. Not only do they oversee lead generation and brand credibility, but they also provide a strategy for maximum online visibility. With a high-performing marketing agency, the strategy, planning, and decision-making that comes with a CMO is baked into the hourly agency rate. 


For that mere $150 an hour, 40 hours a month rate we discussed earlier, you’re getting an entire team of marketers, including the CMO — all for 72K a year! 

At the end of the day, outsourcing your marketing to an agency has a relatively low risk, especially when you factor in its high potential to offer a return on investment.


Parqa Marketing Solutions for Staffing & Recruiting

Ready to connect with more clients and improve your bottom line with the staffing and recruiting industry’s favorite digital marketing agency? Contact Parqa Marketing today to get started! Whether you need help driving more traffic to your website, help building a stronger brand, or want to dive into new marketing technologies, we’d love to be your guide. 

Prefer the DIY method of marketing? No problem, be sure to check out our free handy Marketing Strategy Guide for some pro tips, industry secrets, and more!

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