Chris Heinz
Chris Heinz is a Managing Partner with Westport One. With more than 23 years in the recruiting industry, he has become a thought leader in both recruiting a the healthcare industry. Chris is an avid endurance athlete where he has turned that passion into good by raising thousands of dollars for several charities.

Are you considered an Expert?

  By Chris Heinz  |    Tuesday December 13, 2022

As a professional in the talent acquisition space, it is important that you leverage your knowledge.  I’m not talking just about your industry knowledge but also your recruiting expertise.

This knowledge is critical on many fronts:

  • Your daily conversations
  • Your digital conversations (text or email)
  • Your LinkedIn/Social media interaction


Having the knowledge is one thing…sharing it in the right way at the right time is something completely different. This article should help you put the balls in motion to ensure you not only have the knowledge but you can quickly become considered an expert in what you do!

The fact is that experts are paid attention to more…their content is read…and they typically get paid more.  Who wouldn’t want all of that?

There are several things you need to do to establish yourself as an expert:

  • Believe it
  • Be a student
  • Share your knowledge


Believe it

Yes, I know this sounds so basic.  It’s like I’m Peter Pan saying you have to believe so that you can fly!  In some ways, I guess I am.  You truly have to believe that you are an expert.  

Here’s a reality:  If you have been in the recruitment/talent acquisition/internal recruitment space for more than 2 months, then you know more about recruiting than 90% of the professional population.  In just two months, you have had probably had more conversations with candidates and hiring managers than anyone would believe.  This should help you realize that you are an expert in THIS space.  That is worth screaming from the rooftops!


Be a Student

Okay, you have the vast knowledge of at least two months. You can’t stop there.  You have to be a student of the game.  You need to continually strive to learn about the best way to do your job and the finer points of the industry you serve.

There are so many ways to gain this knowledge:  articles, websites, associations, podcasts, LinkedIn industry influencers, and on and on.  If you spend just 60 minutes spread across the week, in six months, you will be blown away by how much more knowledge you have.  

Please heed this warning:  never stop learning!  If you aren’t learning, you are dying!


Share your knowledge

You can’t be considered an expert unless you actually share your knowledge with those you communicate with…candidates, hiring managers, and co-workers.  You can share this knowledge in many ways as well.


Direct Conversations

We have conversations every day with hiring managers and industry professionals (potential candidates).  Identify a couple of trends that you’ve gained through previous conversations and share these during these direct conversations


LinkedIn Posts

Use this knowledge or these trends and turn each of them into a LinkedIn post.  In these posts, share your thoughts regarding how this will impact your industry.  Elicit their thoughts on the impact.  Work to engage in conversation with those that respond.
Now, understand that your initial posts might not gain much traction.  But, don’t be deterred.  Stick with it 3-5 times per week.  Schedule it. Do it!


Almost everyone has a podcast today.  There are so many for every industry we work in if you would just look for them.  I bet you’ve listened to some yourself. Do you realize how difficult it is to come up with regular content for their audience?  Many would love industry experts to volunteer themselves to be interviewed.  Try it!


Industry Conferences

These conferences need speakers. Find out who is putting the conference together and offer your expertise. The fact is right now they are almost all is planning mode and they are searching for people who can share their expertise, especially new faces to the industry.

As you can see, there are many ways to share your expertise.  You have the knowledge. You simply have to put in the effort and have the desire.  


Chris Heinz is a Managing Partner with Westport One.  With more than 25 years in the recruiting industry, he has become a thought leader in both recruiting and the healthcare industry. Chris is an avid endurance athlete where he has turned that passion into good by raising thousands of dollars for several charities.

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