Lynn Connor
Lynn Connor currently co-owns COATS Office Automation and was a partner in Reliance Staffing & Recruiting for over 30 years. COATS provides fully integrated software to the staffing industry and works seamlessly with your staff to ensure software efficiency. Microsoft linking, Crystal Reports, a fully integrated CRM, payroll and complete accounting, online applicant entry, online job posting, and multi-state, multi-branch, multi-locality capabilities are available throughout the entire system. You can learn more about COATS here > https://www.coatssql.com Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lmsconnor/

Staffing Agency in 2023? Here’s how automation will change the candidate experience and recruiting game.

  By Lynn Connor  |    Monday January 23, 2023

The art and science of recruiting are changing rapidly as the economy, technology, and our culture evolve. Just consider how much our world has changed in the two years since COVID, and you’ll start to understand how the factors that shape our world also shape recruiting and the labor market in general. After the tumultuous two years, how can we predict what’s next? 

The trend that keeps recurring, stretching across nearly every website predicting what’s next for recruiting, is automation. COATS Staffing Software, the nation’s leading recruiting software for staffing agencies, pulled together some of the predictions for 2023. Here’s how automation will change the candidate experience and the recruiting game in 2023.

What are the Hiring Automation Trends for 2023? 

Hiring automation refers to using automated recruiting software to streamline tasks and processes related to the hiring process. Automation allows recruiters to collect, sort, and manage applicant data quickly and easily. It also helps us create a consistent series of touch points for job candidates to keep them in the loop during the hiring process. 

Some of the trends that will likely emerge in recruitment automation software in 2023 include increasing reliance on:

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Chatbots
  • Remote interview software
  • Automated remote interview software

Artificial Intelligence Everywhere

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is an emerging subset of the computer sciences that uses algorithms to make our computers smarter and more intuitive in their interactions with us, the end-users. AI uses automation to help recruiters identify candidates with the desired skills and qualifications. Predictive analytics can help analyze data on past hires and identify characteristics that help select candidates more likely to succeed. While these are just two examples of how AI will impact the recruiting process in 2023, keep in mind these tools are just taking off. Look for AI to be everywhere in the recruiting and hiring process soon.

Increased Use of Chatbots 

Chatbots, or automated chat programs, can answer common candidate questions and provide information about job openings, company culture, and the general hiring process. Currently, your company may be using chatbots for marketing and sales. In 2023, you’ll see more chatbots at the front end of the recruiting process to screen candidates with basic qualifying questions before they’re funneled on to a recruiter. This keeps recruiters focused on the important human-to-human screening and candidate evaluation workflows that are such a valuable contribution to the hiring process. 

Candidates can get an immediate response to fundamental questions about the organization, the culture, benefits, hours, and more. Chat bots can pre-empt the most commonly asked questions during a candidate inquiry. They can save recruiters a lot of the mundane upfront work to qualify a candidate.

On the back end of this process, sophisticated analytics can give you information on the most common questions candidates ask so you can make policy decisions that affect the hiring process.

Remote Interview Software is on the Rise 

We’ve been hijacking Zoom and Teams for remote interviews since COVID hit. But remote interview software, as a separate category of tools for recruiters, is tailored for the hiring process. Instead of using a generalized video conferencing platform, remote interview software integrates into the automated recruiting software for a more streamlined, efficient process. Some benefits of using remote interview software include the following:

  • Increased convenience
    Remote interview software allows candidates and hiring managers to participate from any location, which is more convenient for everyone involved. Virtual interviews are particularly beneficial for candidates who live far from the company’s office or have other commitments that make it difficult to travel for an in-person interview. 
  • Cost savings
    Remote interview software facilitates cost savings when candidates no longer travel into town to interview with your company. There’s an added saving on the subscriptions to stand-alone video conferencing software platforms. Instead, the remote interview platform integrates as a feature within recruiting automation software.
  • Great flexibility
    Remote interview software provides flexibility in scheduling because everyone participating in the process can take part from anywhere they’re located. 
  • Improved candidate experience
    A remote interview can be less stressful and more convenient because the candidate doesn’t have the added stress of travel. But this software makes scheduling these interviews easier, with smart calendar features that speed up the process
  • Enhanced collaboration
    Remote interview software also enhances team collaboration by making it easier to schedule several people in a multi-step interview process.

Enhanced Onboarding Process with Recruitment Automation Software 

Automated recruiting software can help with onboarding by automating certain tasks and processes related to a new employee’s introduction to your company. Some of the features of these platforms include:

  • Sending automated emails to new hires with information about their start date, job responsibilities, and company policies.
  • Providing new hires with access to company documents, such as employee handbooks, policies, and procedures, through a centralized online platform.
  • Collecting and storing new hire information, such as employment contracts, tax forms, and benefits documents, in a secure and easily accessible location.
  • Scheduling and managing onboarding activities, such as training sessions and meetings with team members and HR.
  • Providing new hires with a personalized onboarding experience by tailoring the onboarding process to their specific roles and needs.

Recruitment automation software can streamline the entire onboarding process, making it more efficient and effective. Your HR team can rest easy knowing new hires are fully prepared to start their new job and become productive team members.

How Can Automated Recruiting Software Help Staffing Agencies in 2023? 

There is no doubt computer automation will affect the recruiting world this year. These tools are becoming enmeshed in hiring workflows and intrinsic to successful hiring. One recent survey showed that 35% of talent professionals cite automation as the number one trend impacting their jobs. But far from being worried that automation is going to take away jobs, many recruiters point out that recruitment automation software will free up their time by eliminating the mundane tasks that bog them down. 

For example, automation can eliminate the tedious process of sorting resumes. Today, you can conduct a keyword search from a job description where the database will pull up the top resumes that are the best fit. You can also automate emails to keep candidates in regular communications as they move through the hiring process. While these are just two examples of what we can do today with recruiting software for staffing agencies, these tools are in their infancy. 

This year, automated recruiting software can make an even bigger splash in the hiring world. Here are several areas recruiting automation software will make a significant impact.

Applicant Tracking Software Will Improve Efficiency 

Automated applicant tracking software will help staffing agencies streamline their entire recruitment process. These tools will help recruiting firms source, screen, and hire candidates more efficiently, freeing up time for recruiters to focus on high-value tasks, such as building relationships with clients and candidates.

Automated Recruiting Software Will Enhance the Candidate Experience 

In 2023, this software will provide a more seamless and personalized candidate experience, allowing them to apply and track the status of their application quickly. This improves the candidate experience and will increase the chances of successful placements.

Recruitment Automation Software Will Reduce Time-to-Hire 

Recruiting automation software will also increase the speed of placements, allowing these firms to better meet the needs of the clients while increasing their revenue. 

Recruiting Software for Staffing Agencies Will Eliminate Unconscious Hiring Bias 

While we know HR and recruiting teams do their best to be fair during the hiring process, it's almost human nature to judge a candidate in ways we may not even recognize. Automation can help eliminate the unconscious biases that hold back our diversity initiatives. With recruiting automation software, prejudices will disappear. Plus, sophisticated analytics will track the organization's diversity and whether you're improving on your inclusion goals.

Applicant Tracking Software Will Improve Data Management and Reporting 

Automated recruiting software can help staffing agencies track and analyze key metrics, including the volume of placements, the time it takes to fill open positions, and the retention rates of new hires.

Automated Recruiting Software Will Reduce Errors and Improve Compliance 

Recruiting automation tools can help ensure all necessary documents, such as employment contracts and tax forms, are completed accurately and promptly. This can help lessen the risk of errors and ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Stay Ahead of the Curve in 2023 with COATS Automated Recruiting Software

Coats Staffing Software is at the forefront of recruitment automation software trends. 

We offer our clients affordable, cloud-based, automated recruiting software to help staffing agencies stay competitive and work smarter. Many staffing firms work with a patchwork of software programs, switching back and forth between these tools while losing efficiency and speed in the recruiting process. Our recruiting software for staffing agencies gives you that single source of software truth, handling everything from sourcing on the front end to onboarding at the end of the hiring process. Contact COATS to find out why our recruiting automation software is all you need to make 2023 your best year ever. 

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