Submit One Candidate and Close the Deal

  By Scott Wintrip  |    Wed Sep 11, 2013

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

There is absolutely no logical reason why customers buying staffing and recruiting services need to spend hours of their time reviewing and interviewing candidates. That is, unless you really stink at what you do. If you and your firm are competent at understanding client needs, recruiting quality talent, and making appropriate...

Be the BEST CHOICE Recruiter

  By Diane Skullr  |    Thu Aug 08, 2013

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

There has been a lot of drama in my life lately, including having to spend a lot of time focusing on the care for a very good friend in the critical care unit of a major Los Angeles hospital. She was diagnosed with inoperable, incurable, stage 3 lung cancer. Pretty...

Too Tired or Lazy to Work Today? 4 Things you can do right now!

  By Diane Skullr  |    Tue Aug 06, 2013

Category: Expert Advice, Motivational

I’m sure that this happens to everyone from time to time, especially with all the distractions of the holidays. You just don’t feel like working. Whatever it is that you need to do today simply does not hold any interest for you. You’re not sick and there is no real...

What Client Says: The delay was too long from your referral to the hire.

  By Jeffrey G. Allen  |    Thu Aug 01, 2013

Category: Expert Advice, Legal

How Client Pays: The average delay from referral of a candidate to hire is 98 days. You probably think it's 30 days. I did when I was a recruiter. But as an HR manager, I learned the truth. You think it’s so short because you're unaware of those back-door hires. The...


  By Barb Bruno  |    Thu Aug 01, 2013

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Recruiting

Never forget you are in business to make profits not to provide free advice or jobs for the people who work for you. If you are not profitable you are jeopardizing the future of your business. Listed below are steps you can take that will have a positive impact on...

Are You Managing Your Day or is Your Day Managing You? 6 Simple Steps to Change That!

  By Michael Gionta  |    Wed Jul 03, 2013

Category: Expert Advice

“…But Mike, I don’t have enough time”, says the anonymous struggling owner with about $400k in office revenue as we discuss strategies he agrees he needs to implement to grow his business. This is a common lament of many owners that I coach, mentor and am associated with. Let’s face it. ...

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