Ahhh Spring has arrived…. How Connecting with Nature Can Make You More Successful at Work

  By Sue Bhatia  |    Thursday March 28, 2024

Category: Expert Advice, Motivational, Productivity


Embracing the natural environment is important for your well-being and success.

We all work hard because we have an internal desire to succeed. If you want to boost your level of personal success and jumpstart your productivity at work, it is crucial for you to take time to connect with nature. In today’s society, many people have lost touch with their relationship to the natural environment, and the value, inspiration and goodwill that comes from spending time outdoors. Connecting with nature is not only wonderful for your well-being; it leads you down a serene path to success.

When you take the time to connect with nature, the process of working smarter becomes much clearer. Start thinking about how you can work smarter. When you do this, it is much easier to get your work done in a timely manner because you are now managing your time more efficiently.

How to Work Smarter

In order to start working smarter, you must first define what success means to you. If you are constantly updating your to-do list, that is a great start, however, you should start timing yourself to make sure you are actually crossing items off your list in the appropriate amount of time. By doing this, you stay on task and no single item on your list will end up derailing your daily progress.

Sticking to a to-do list is sometimes easier said than done. Interruptions are bound to happen. When they do, try “leaving yourself a note” to remind yourself where you were when you were interrupted and what still needs to be done to complete the task at hand. According to Forbes, this allows you to “jump back in” to the task “without wasting time backtracking to remind yourself where you left off and what you planned your next step to be.”

Whether it is an early hike on a Saturday morning or yoga in the park one evening after work, use this time in nature to help define what success means to you and how you can work even smarter than you already are. By taking this time to connect with the elements and be a part of something bigger than yourself, you can jumpstart your creative flow.

Benefits of Connecting with Nature

Natural environments have positive impacts on people’s mental health and well-being. Studies consistently show that natural settings link to much stronger developmental benefits for children, as reported by Purdue Extension. We never stop developing. As a working adult, you should continue applying these same principles to your life. While technology is a wonderful thing, it can distract us from the wonderful, natural environment that surrounds us. Spending more time outdoors is good for the mind, body and soul.

You do not even have to travel outside your neighborhood to feel the benefits of nature. There are plenty of easy ways for you to connect with the natural environment without having to leave your neck of the woods. Spending time in the elements can be beneficial for you as an individual, and as a group when you are having quality togetherness with your family and friends. If you have a local park close to you, start by taking a walk. You can gather with some family and friends and make it a group activity by having a picnic, playing games/sports, exercising, etc. If you know of any good local hiking trails nearby, you can easily extend your walk to the park and make it more of an adventure. If you have a bicycle, you can see even more of your natural environment easily by looking into your local bike paths. Those bike paths could open the door to even more natural beauty that you may have easily been overlooking. Eating healthy foods and spending time in your local community can be done simply by going to a local Farmer’s Market as well. If the sun has already set, there is still time to get outdoors. You can connect with nature long after the day is over. When the night sky is illuminated, it is a magical sight and the brilliance of stargazing will humble you with the overwhelming power of the natural environment.

Find the Time to Connect with Nature

While we know the benefits of connecting with nature will help us succeed, finding the time to do so can be a challenge. Our lives are busy, and it can often seem like there are not enough hours in the day to get our to-do lists completed. Do your best to set aside a few moments for yourself each day. Early morning sunrises do the trick for some, while stargazing in the evening works for others. No matter when you spend time in nature, it is time well spent. Take this time to jumpstart your productivity and boost your level of personal success. You deserve it!

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