Overcoming Cultural Latency: How Video Technologies Support Today’s Hybrid Workplace

  By Colin Farquhar  |    Thursday June 27, 2024

Category: Expert Advice, Productivity, Technology, Trends


Video technologies are emerging as critical tools for overcoming cultural latency in the digital workplace in today’s fast-paced business landscape. The robustness and reliability of video technology, particularly internet protocol television (IPTV), creates unique opportunities to deliver consistent messages and shared experiences across global facilities, bridging the gap between remote and in-office employees through improved communication and collaboration.

IP video technology is increasingly recognized as important in facilitating remote training and development sessions for employees, enabling efficient recruitment processes through remote interviews, and enhancing employee communication with live streaming and on-demand corporate programming.

Additionally, it supports performance management by allowing personalized feedback sessions and promoting employee engagement through virtual events and on-premises activities promoted through digital signage.

Here, Colin Farquhar, senior vice president of enterprise IP video, and Kerry Lindsay, vice president of human resources at IPTV specialist: VITEC, offer their insights on video and its impact on talent recruitment, management and retention.

Why “cultural latency” is essential to modern enterprise

Cultural latency refers to the speed at which an organization’s culture evolves in response to internal and external forces. Understanding cultural latency can help assess how well companies keep up with changes in market demands, workplace expectations — and even the introduction of new disruptive technologies.

It is about ensuring that the workplace culture aligns with the values and experiences of the employees.

In today’s dynamic business environment, where technology and remote work are prevalent, reducing cultural latency becomes crucial for organizations to create an inclusive and cohesive team. It helps employees feel connected, valued, and part of a team, regardless of location.

Maintaining and developing a cohesive culture can be challenging in any environment, but especially in remote work environments, where the opportunities for organic connections and interactions are limited.

Managing cultural latency effectively is important for recruiting and retaining top talent, as employees seek organizations that align with their values and promote a sustainable and inclusive team.

Enterprise technologies can help to influence organizational culture

Enterprise technologies, especially video communications technologies like IPTV, are playing an increasingly important role play in influencing organizational cultures. By leveraging video technology, organizations can bridge the gap and foster employee collaboration, communication, and a sense of belonging.

IPTV offers a critical tool to leaders who want to convey cultural consistency across their organizations. This is especially important for organizations with multiple facilities spread across geographies and for leaders who want to support today’s hybrid workforce.

Digital signage systems, for instance, can display information about meetings and visiting clients or colleagues. They can also alert staff about exciting developments in regional offices or deliver corporate news from around the world.


With IPTV leveraging existing information technology infrastructures, leaders can deliver a common experience to employees, regardless of location.

Centrally managed IPTV systems make it possible to develop effective global communication strategies in which messages can be delivered to the growing variety of screens – mobile devices, tablets, computers and wall displays – to keep everybody on the same page.

Video technologies can significantly impact recruitment and retention


Video technology can showcase the company culture and work environment to potential candidates. Through video presentations, virtual tours, or employee testimonials, organizations can provide a more immersive and authentic experience, helping candidates better understand the company’s values and atmosphere. This can attract candidates who align with the company culture and increase the likelihood of finding the right fit.

Video technology can support remote onboarding and training processes, especially in a hybrid or remote work environment. It allows new hires to connect virtually with their colleagues, managers, and mentors, fostering a sense of belonging and integration into the company. Video communication tools also facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration, enabling employees to learn and grow more effectively.

In terms of retention, video technology can enhance employee engagement and satisfaction. It enables remote or distributed teams to stay connected and collaborate seamlessly, fostering a sense of teamwork and camaraderie. Video meetings and conferences can also provide opportunities for employees to share their ideas, contribute to decision-making, and feel valued within the organization.

Finally, video technology can support ongoing professional development and training initiatives. Organizations can provide virtual training sessions, webinars, or access to online learning platforms, allowing employees to upskill and stay updated with industry trends. Investing in employee growth and development increases job satisfaction and loyalty.

Video plays an important role in supporting people in the office

It is interesting how the habits formed to support the shelter-in-place workforce continue today. This is especially true because most people are now familiar and comfortable with video platforms.

We see office workers use video for face-to-face communication on-site but in different locations within a facility. Video enables real-time collaboration, making it easier to discuss and solve problems, hold team meetings, and have one-on-one conversations. This helps to foster a sense of connection and teamwork among employees.

Video is also used to display important information and updates on large screens throughout the facility. This includes those related to fostering organizational culture — like key messages, mission statements, and even personal celebrations like birthdays. It keeps employees informed and engaged with what’s happening in the organization.

Even when employees are right next to each other, video technology is used to share screens, collaborate on projects, share ideas, and brainstorm solutions.

The variety of video applications — and fluency with which video is used — is made possible with IPTV because it uses a common infrastructure that ensures a consistent experience within and across different facilities.

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