Remember Your ABCs

  By Kathleen Kurke  |    Sunday November 12, 2018

Category: Columns, Expert Advice


When it’s first thing in the morning and the entire day stretches before you, your day is filled with possibility. You’re the one to make that happen, and the key to that possibility being profitable is to connect with people and create action.  If that thought is daunting at times, step out of overwhelm and remember your ABC’s. 

To connect with people and create action, be sure to work in blocks of intensively focused phone time and work toward your outcome goals of Presentations and SendOuts.  Be sure any non-phone time activities are connected to making placements, eg planning, building email campaigns, are tied directly to marketing or recruiting campaigns, and that you also focus on those during pre-planned blocks of time. 

During your calls, be sure to remember your ABC’s. 


A is for Advance. 

Look and listen for ways to move every relationship and every deal forward. 

Ask questions about the next step. And, the step after that. And, the step after that. 

Prep and debrief clients and candidates by focusing on solving business problems. 

Ask questions that are future focused.

What will it look like when …?

What will it feel like when …?

What will the benefit be when …?

In every conversation about a deal-in-process, ask:

What additional information will help Client/Candidate make a Yes or No decision?

Create a next step to help them uncover that information.

End every conversation with a starting place for your next conversation.


B is for Build.

Focus your call time on creating placement possibilities. 

Call 10 brand-new, never contacted before, companies or buying center. 

Call on planned Marketing Campaigns to create additional Assignments. 

Call on planned Recruit Campaigns to get SendOuts on open Assignments. 

In EVERY call, ask about other company needs and candidate referrals. 


C is for Close.

Preset expectations with clients, candidates and decision influencers that every step in a process leads to a choice: (1) Yes, (2) No, or (3) I need more information to select Y or N?

Remind yourself that a “no” decision is better than no decision if clients or candidates can’t identify what else they need to know to pick “yes”.

So when the day stretches out before you and you’re feeling overwhelmed, go back to the basic and practice your ABC’s. 

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