"Have a great day" can be a painful expression in our line of work. What IS a great day?

  By Kathleen Kurke  |    Wednesday March 29, 2018

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Motivational


If the only markings on the good-day/bad-day thermometer is whether we make a placement, there’s an uncomfortable number of bad days happening in between those good days. That doesn’t work for me. I have a high need for immediate gratification and I want to have a good day every day. And, I like to have great days more often than not. 

You can make it a good day every day. Heck, you can make it a GREAT day every day. 

Here’s how.

Focus on your Attitude

Prep your voice

Create ACTION – Connect with People

Make Money on Every Call

Count What Matters

Prep for a productive tomorrow

Take care of the whole YOU

Focus on your Attitude

The perspective and intention you bring into the day will define the day. Visualize what a great day will look like and feel like. Write down your goals. Use that to your advantage and adopt the mindset that it will be a good day. 

Prep your voice

Our voice is a critical tool in our business. Warm it up and use it wisely. 

Create ACTION – Connect with People

This is the rubber hitting the road. Make something happen. The clients and candidates we want to work with us don’t come to us. Reach out to touch them. 

Make Money on Every Call

This is where you get leverage. Once you’ve connected with someone, extend the conversation to cover the six different roads to revenue. One conversation, six different roads to money. That’s a good deal.

Count What Matters

If you don’t know where you’re going in this business, how will you know when you get there? Call attempts lead to presentations; presentations lead to Assignments and Send-Outs; Send-out lead to Placements. Count them all.  Metrics will set you free because they give you predictability. Predictability gives you security. Security gives you freedom. 

Prep for a productive tomorrow

Work you do today creates traction for better work tomorrow. This is your way to paying it forward, work-wise.

Take care of the whole YOU

Even though you love your work, there is more to life than work. Be sure to invest enough in your life so you’ve got the energy to work.

Easier said than done, so I’ve created a checklist to help you focus and stay on track throughout the day. 

Have a GREAT day!

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