By Barb Bruno  |    Wednesday May 21, 2015

Category: Columns, Expert Advice


Too often managers and owners in our profession feel like hamsters on a wheel.  There never seems to be enough time to get everything done.  Many managers and owners in our profession work a desk and their normal skill sets are focused on doing rather than delegating.  If you have ever heard yourself say, “If I want something done, I need to do it myself” this training is aimed at you.

You need to focus on growing your business, you need to utilize the 20% of your skills that give you 80% of your results, and delegate everything else.  If you are your business; you have greatly reduced the value of your business.  You need to teach others what you know, so you can continue to learn and grow.

In the Staffing and Recruiting Profession are self-disciplined Owners or Managers who are efficient at: 

Choosing the right tasks to delegate

Monitor results  

Provide feedback

Implement adjustments to improve results  



You can’t trust anyone else to do your work.

(You can’t afford not to trust the people who work for you.  Your success as an Owner or Manager depends on it.)

You lose control of the task and outcome if you delegate.

(Delegation involves entrusting another person with a task for which you remain ultimately responsible.)

You are the only one with all the answers.

(You will be amazed at the answers and creative solutions you will hear from those you supervise.)

You can do the work faster and better.

(Initially this might be true, but once you transfer duties to someone else, they could become more proficient than you.)

Delegation dilutes your authority.

(It has the opposite affect, delegation proves your ability to lead and develop the talents of others.)

Your recruiters will be recognized for doing a good job which will take the recognition away from you.

(As an Owner or Manager you want to focus on the improved performance of other individuals.)

Delegation decreases your flexibility.

(Delegation gives you more time and enhances your flexibility to focus on result-oriented tasks.)

Your recruiters don’t understand the big picture.

(They will, if you communicate it to them.  You need to share the goals, objectives, and long range plans of your business.)

Your employees are too busy to take on more duties.

(It is invigorating to take on a new challenge.  Most recruiters waste more time than they realize and will even put in extra hours to do tasks they enjoy.)

Employees resent being given more responsibility.

(Delegation can be a motivational tool you use to single out individuals with talents you know you can utilize.  You can identify these additional talents through your performance review process.  If your recruiters do not use talents they possess, they will eventually quit.  Additional responsibilities can enhance retention.)



Analysis ~ It is a proven fact that you get 80% of your results from 20% of your efforts.  You need to analyze the 20%, spend more of your time focused on those areas and delegate the other tasks that are not the best use of your time.

Selection ~ Review the talents of the individuals on your team and select your delegates.  You must make sure they are allowed autonomy to undertake the tasks in their own way and report back to you on the progress.

Briefing ~ When tasks are identified, the parameters of each should be clearly defined.   Proper briefing is essential because you cannot hold people responsible for undefined or vague tasks.

Control ~ Monitoring of some kind is essential, but should be used for mentoring and coaching rather than interference.

Appraisal ~ Appraisal is the final stage. You need to determine how well the person has performed the delegated tasks.  What changes if any need to be made to improve performance (on either side)?

When you follow these stages, you have now empowered the person you have delegated to get the job done.  They sense the level of trust you have placed in them and will meet and often surpass the standards you have set.

Too often managers delegate a task and then micro-manage the entire process.   You should make subtle changes during the monitoring and appraisal stages of delegation and then let the task go.

Whenever I hear someone say, “I just don’t have time” my response is always the same… hire a team.   You already have a team working for you; you just need to delegate those tasks which are not best use of your time.  We all have the same 168 hours every week – delegation will help you drastically improve your time management skills while you focus on the 20% of your efforts that give you the greatest return on your time.


Increases your time

Reduces stress

You delegate to motivate

Your success depends on it

Your job is to concentrate on areas only you can do

Recognition is one of the greatest ways to retain key employees

Knowing how to effectively delegate is a talent you must master.  It’s important to realize that if you are not successful when you first start to delegate tasks – it is a learning experience.  You can always make changes and adjustments.  A successful person is never judged on the number of their successes, but by the number of failures they overcome.  Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.  The art of delegating is not easy to learn but it will change your life forever and launch you to new levels of success.

All great managers, business owners and leaders surround themselves with outstanding talent.  They also delegate responsibilities to these people.  You need to do the same.

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