Make your recruiting more

  By Anonymous  |    Sunday June 2, 2014

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting, Technology


As much as we hate to admit this, social media has weaseled its way into our everyday lives…and we secretly love it. Did you know that Americans spend an average of 37 minutes daily on social media, a higher time-spend than any other major Internet activity, including email. (Business Insider)

On average, we see that most recruiting offices have finally embraced the need to leverage social media.  Most recruiting firms have the typical LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter links planted in their site footer.  Who wants to be typical? Not many recruiting offices have wrapped their brains around the surprisingly simple platform. You could be actively engaging candidates while the “other guys” crunch job postings into 140 characters. 

If you venture into the world of Pins, Boards and Followers, you won’t be sorry. This site is a visually addicting venue boasting the title of 3rd largest social media network. A study released in July 2013 by Semiocast revealed the website had 70 million users worldwide. 


3 Painless Pinterest Pointers

With 70 million potential candidates out there, what are you waiting for? The average user spends 98 minutes per month mindlessly scrolling through an endless collection of  articles. Here are some valuable nuggets of advice on how to stand out and target your ideal candidates. 


Pimp your Job Postings

For an open position, create a board to help fill in the blanks. Pin the job description, a map of the area, some photos of the office and maybe some recent company news. If you use hashtags, this will help target the interests of potential candidates. Take a peek at this creative job posting on Pinterest. 


Tie Into the #Trends

As a recruiting firm, you can really tap into the job seeker pool via fashion, travel or DIY postings. 


Recommend the “perfect power suit” for an interview and pin onto a “Want the Job?” board. Create pins for coffee shops near the office, or a clever cord organizer for your new office. A user is likely to be interested in your other great advice, so they’ll follow you. Cha-Ching! You‘ve gotten their attention, and a spot on their coveted pin feed. 


Don’t be a Hashtag Hater.

Learn about them and use them. Carefully pick 3-5 relevant hashtags for each pin. For example, here’s a great one from Levo.



If all you do is post about yourself, you become less interesting. Poke around and see what other recruiters are posting and share, re-pin or comment. The whole idea is to share relevant, useful knowledge between industry leaders and your candidates. Get out there and mingle! If someone comments on your pin, don’t even think about the silent treatment. Reply! A little back and forth may lead to your ideal candidate. Replying also shows candidates that no matter how big or small your firm may be; you’re listening. That’s a valuable relationship. 

You’ve just got to stand out. The best way to show candidates that you’re worthy, is to stay at the head of the pack. Impress them with your social prowess and they’re hooked. We’re here to help you stay ahead of the social tidal wave, if you want more specifics, connect with our team and we’ll help push you to social stardom. 

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