Next-Level Ideas to Drive Your Employment Brand

  By Mandy Wittschen  |    Thursday October 27, 2022

Category: Expert Advice, Marketing


If you’re in staffing, you understand that experienced job seekers can and will be selective. They want to work with an agency that’s trustworthy. Competent. Easy to work with. And whose recruiters actually care about their success. 

What’s more, potential applicants do their homework online to find out what they want to know, too. So, unless you take charge of how they perceive you by: 

· clearly defining the unique value you provide to job seekers… 

· providing relevant content that answers would-be candidates’ questions about your staffing firm… 

· sharing and promoting that branded content where job seekers will find it… 

· proactively managing your online reputation… 

…you might be missing out on great candidates. 

Your competitors are aggressively building their employment brands right now. If you want to recruit and retain the best people in your market(s), you need to prioritize branding, too.

Ready to up your branding game? Here are two next-level ways to build your employment brand with great content – and more:

Create brand ambassadors.

How many temps do you have on assignment right now? Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands? And are those people actively engaged in building your brand? If you answered “no,” you have a tremendous opportunity.

Your brand ambassadors should be top field associates, and you can reward them with cash compensation or non-cash incentives like time off, preferred access to your best jobs, and company swag. While you don’t want your temps actively soliciting people while they are on the job, they can:

· wear company-branded apparel on the job and share personalized business cards you provide;

· share company blog posts and jobs on social media;

· write reviews about your company on social review sites;

· spread the word by sharing food or promotional items with others at work;

· educate people about the benefits of working as a temporary – and specifically, working through your firm;

· celebrate events for your workforce like birthdays, service anniversaries and promotions; and

· actively solicit referrals and encourage others to do the same.

Broaden your thinking. 

Content that builds your employment brand doesn’t have to be all about you – in fact, integrating your employment brand into your overall content marketing strategy is one of the most powerful ways to shape candidates’ perceptions of your firm.

When you demonstrate that:

· you care about job seekers’ career success…

· your recruiters are experts at what they do…

· you understand what’s important to job seekers…


…you’re “walking the walk” – and not just providing lip service.

So, broaden your thinking. Look for ways to weave your EVP and brand messaging into a wider range of content – to reinforce and amplify your message, while also demonstrating your warmth and competence.

One of the best ways to achieve this is by adding brand messaging to:

· educational content;

· thought leadership pieces from your top recruiters and company leaders; and

· curated content about the job search and career management.

Job seekers and current associates are looking for help, and you have a wealth of valuable information and people ready to share it. Your blog and/or newsletter is the perfect place to highlight this content and draw people to your site and jobs. If you become the go-to resource for help and job search/career management advice, you’ll strengthen your brand and recruit more top-tier candidates.


Want to boost recruiting by building a stronger employment brand?

Download the full “Using Content to Drive Your Employment Brand” eBook for more actionable ideas.

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