Split Placement Story:

  By Anonymous  |    Tuesday March 9, 2016

Category: Columns, Expert Advice


In a network, independent and boutique agencies look to add value to their clients and candidates by positioning themselves as global recruiters covering all specialties without losing their culture or personal service. When you are electing to involve another recruiter on a search, the ef ciency you both show will always close deals.

Here is a story of a brand new Sydney based member reaching out to another member. They are both generalist recruiters, both looking to service their client and candidate as best possible.

The rm with the position joined NPAworldwide near the end of December of this past year. The owner and one of her recruiters had attended an open lunch meeting as a way to meet some of the members prior to joining.

Right after Christmas break, this owner was already working the system to nd a recruiter to match up to her client’s needs. Sparing no time, it was a matter of calling the other rm, and they proved to be very welcoming and friendly.

The client required a Client Services Of cer for their Financial Planning business in Western Sydney. They had advertised the position themselves but hadn›t had much success. After brie ng the other recruiter on the role and giving all pertinent details that they would need to properly source a candidate, the search was on.

As this was a rst split experience, it was unknown how important this search would be to the other recruiter or what kind of results would be returned. The very next day the recruiter already sent over an excellent candidate along with her reference check! The rm was amazed at this ef ciency and extra step that was taken.

The candidate met with the client on January 14th. They loved
her. She subsequently had another interview and psychometric testing and the client offered her the role on January 22nd with an immediate start date. Both were so excited. The rm would have never found this passive candidate with out the split partner’s help. The ef ciency of delivering a strong candidate that was ready to make a career move made all the difference in this split.

As this is being written, the client has already paid their invoice and the split fee sent to the other recruiter and the network; all in the space of two and a half weeks. What really seemed to click was the collaborative nature of working together to help place a great candidate. With both trading partners putting the focus on ef ciency instead of letting time lag, everyone was on board from the start to end. The turnaround time was very quick and the mutual respect had been extremely refreshing.

If you have been wondering what the return on investment could be when joining a network or splitting with another rm, this is an excellent example of how a rm’s revenue grew in just over two weeks.

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