About Kate Moore

Melted&Moved offers a “high-touch” process, from insider knowledge on what hotels are offering from long-term stay rates to leveraging relationships for exclusive access and tailored experiences. By 2028, 73% of all departments will have remote workers. If you’re considering the work from anywhere option in the future, have a professional travel advisor in your corner to be sure you plan and execute accordingly. After all, you already have a full-time job. Let me do mine.


Discover Your Sustainable Work Style: WFH or WFA (Work-from-Anywhere)

  By Kate Moore  |    Thu Nov 19, 2020

Category: Motivational, Productivity

4.3 million people in the USA work from home at least half the time, according to Owl Labs. The pandemic first focused on health, but after 8 months of WFH for millions, we could be looking at an American shift in lifestyle. Consider that Millennials and Gen Z...

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