Investing in the Development of the Staffing Team: A Win-Win Scenario

  By Anonymous  |    Thu Jun 21, 2012

Category: Certification, Education

Recent studies of the attributes desired in employers by new and relatively inexperienced employees suggests a shifting somewhat from the "bread and butter" issues such as salary and benefits to ones that show concern for the development of staff members in general and provide support and encouragement for individual growth...

Advocating Quality Service to Consumers: A NAPS Tradition

  By Anonymous  |    Thu Jun 21, 2012

Category: Certification, Education

The National Association of Personnel Services (NAPS) has been a leader in education and certification for a half century. In advancing the importance of the professionalism and ethics in the staffing industry, NAPS has taken an “advocate” position on behalf of candidates and clients served by certificate holders---advancing education, certification...

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