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5 Things You Need to Know About New Overtime Regulations By Michael Silvio

  By Anonymous  |    Mon Dec 12, 2016

Category: Expert Advice, Legal

This December, salaried employees earning less than $47,476 will eligible for overtime pay when working more than 40 hours per week, under a U.S. Department of Labor ruling issued in May. At about double the current threshold of $23,660, this will make millions of workers eligible for overtime who have...

Helping Candidates Avoid or Correct Workaholic Tendencies

  By Anonymous  |    Mon Dec 12, 2016

Category: Certification, Columns, Education, Expert Advice

Search and staffing professionals sometimes encounter individuals stressed out by their current employment and seeking a position that is consistent with their talents, one that is less demanding of their time. To be certain, being overworked is frequently cited by individuals attempting to change of occupational environments, but what if...

An Introduction to Mary B. Lucas, The Butcher's Daughter by Mary B. Lucas

  By Anonymous  |    Mon Dec 05, 2016

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Motivational

Although I am proud of my bachelor’s degree and will forever be loyal to my Alma Mater, ultimately, nothing can compare to the letters of distinction my father bestowed upon me: my “B.D.” degree, which stands for “Butcher’s Daughter.” I earned my B.D. by spending hours seated across the butcher-block table...

Transformational Talent -or how to make your average Joe a superstar. By Hannah Weinberg

  By Anonymous  |    Wed Nov 30, 2016

Category: Expert Advice

In a recent presentation at Indeed Explore, I was surprised to hear in Mark Reilly’s presentation that outstanding performers, i.e. those in the top 1%, were often responsible for 4, 10 or even 25 times the output of average performers in any field. The presentation went on to help recruiters understand...

The Latest and (Maybe) Greatest New Company Benefit By Gary Sorrell

  By Anonymous  |    Wed Nov 30, 2016

Category: Expert Advice, Trends

Student debt is painful for college graduates today. They are unable to begin saving toward their 401K, start a family, or even buy a house due to their mountain of student loan debt. In fact, the debt amounts are so high for these grads that approximately 40% of them are...

Election Special: How Will President Trump Impact Staffing Agencies?

  By Anonymous  |    Mon Nov 14, 2016

Category: Recruiting, Trends

When news hit the headlines that Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States, one of our UK clients wrote me to ask "what happened?!" –he was "literally gobsmacked." He wasn't the only agency owner who found himself stunned and wondering, "What will a Trump presidency mean for...

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