5 Best Practices for Independent Recruiters Using Facebook by Dave Nerz

  By Anonymous  |    Tue Jun 11, 2013

Category: Technology

Facebook, Facebook, Facebook! Even with a flawed IPO, Facebook is still a topic of conversation and debate. If you are an independent recruiter who thinks Facebook is a fad that will go away soon, my guess is that you are also big into rotary dial phones and typewritten letters. Although...

Target Marketing with LinkedIn

  By Anonymous  |    Tue Apr 16, 2013

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting, Technology

A wise mentor once said to me: “Mike, you can be certain of one thing in your recruiting career. It starts with “C” and ends with “E” – CHANGE. Every day you will see something new.” Every economic cycle gives us new methods, new approaches and new tools to help...

Is your website COSTING you money?

  By Anonymous  |    Fri Apr 05, 2013

Category: Expert Advice, Technology

No, I don’t mean “how much did you spend on your site,” I mean are you losing clients and candidates because of your website? At Haley Marketing, we design websites for recruiting and staffing firms. Lots of websites (more than 800 at last count). And we regularly track Google analytics on...

Will online staffing make recruiters obsolete?

  By Jeremy Sisemore  |    Thu Dec 27, 2012

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting, Technology

This we know: technology’s a boon and a bane. If you’re like me, every week you’re reacting to some technological advance with “wow, that’s cool” and at the same time, the pace with which it’s moving is dizzying and scary, especially when you consider it has the potential to wipe...

WebCam Video Interviews...The Next Generation of Interviewing

  By Anonymous  |    Wed Jun 27, 2012

Category: Technology

In the January 2008 Issue of EMPLOYMENT MARKETPLACE, Frank Risalvato's article, "SAY WHAT? You mean you never met that candidate?" discussed the dilemma of not having met the candidates before placing them, but with new webcam technology this could be a thing of the past. Companies such as Hirevue, Interview...

Recruiters: Make LinkedIn Work for You

  By Tom Sarach  |    Tue May 01, 2012

Category: Technology

After 10 years and 150 members, LinkedIn has become to business networking sites what Kleenex is to tissues. It’s also becoming a threat to recruiters, or at least so we’ve been told by some recent articles. This perception isn’t helped by the new LinkedIn Recruiter, a premium subsite including options...

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