Are you two steps behind? By Steve Gipson

  By Anonymous  |    Thu Apr 27, 2017

Category: Recruiting, Technology

The question of whether a website is important to your firm’s viability is long answered. The days of existing outside or, at best, on the outskirts of the digital landscape have expired and the ability to move into the future is largely based on one’s online presence. Today it is...

From Cold Calling to Inbound: How to Be Successful as a 21st Century Recruiter by Chris Ohlendorf

  By Anonymous  |    Mon Apr 10, 2017

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting, Technology

The recruiting industry has evolved dramatically over the last 20 years, and while many of the characteristics that define a great recruiter then are still critical, today’s recruiters must adapt to change and effectively utilize new digital tools to remain successful in the 21st century. When I first started 20 years...

Planning new staffing software? You will want to avoid these 7 ways to mismanage

  By Terri Roeslmeier  |    Mon Apr 10, 2017

Category: Columns, Recruiting, Technology

FALL FOR GOOD LOOKS Great looks don’t necessarily mean a tried & true partner that will take you through the life of your company. Make sure the software has useful features that will have an impact on the day to day operations of your firm. Detail out what you...

5 Ways Outsourcing Contract Management Saves Money

  By Debbie Fledderjohann  |    Thu Mar 30, 2017

Category: Contracting, Expert Advice, Technology

At the end of the day, every recruiter wants two simple things: more time and more money. But some business expenses and time-wasters are simply unavoidable . . . right? Here’s the secret: you can keep more of your hard-earned money and save valuable time by changing one thing about the...

Millennials in the Workplace: The Digital Future of Marketing by Tiffany Turner

  By Anonymous  |    Thu Mar 02, 2017

Category: Columns, Social Media, Technology, Trends

I was listening to the radio the other day when an ad came on for the zip recruiter, a new online service that helps find the perfect candidate for businesses looking to hire. This got me thinking about how in our fast paced world of technology, we are constantly searching...

Mobile Traffic Has the Best Conversion Rates on Your Staffing Website

  By Anonymous  |    Wed Feb 15, 2017

Category: Expert Advice, Technology, Trends

In an analysis of nearly 1 million website sessions on staffing company websites, I looked at the importance of returning website traffic and then I dove into the different types of website traffic and which category converts best on staffing company websites. The last area that I looked at for goal...

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