About Judy Collins

Staffing Resources, Judy Collins, President - Helping recruiters expand their ability to recruit anywhere in the continental USA. NAPS Harold B. Nelson Lifetime Achievement Award Winner. Call 713-858-2677 to learn more.


Differentiate Your Staffing Agency From the Competition

  By Judy Collins  |    Tue Jan 10, 2023

Category: Expert Advice, Productivity, Recruiting

Dear Just Ask Judy: There are a lot of staffing firms looking for the same candidates that I am. How do I differentiate my staffing agency from the competition? … Tentative in Tennessee Dear Tentative in Tennessee: Thank you for your question! With so much competition out there, staffing firms must find creative ways...

Collecting on Past Due Accounts

  By Judy Collins  |    Sun Nov 27, 2022

Category: Columns, Expert Advice

Dear Just Ask Judy: “I am getting concerned with some past due accounts. When should I take collection action?” … Anxious in Atlanta Dear Anxious in Atlanta: Collections issues are becoming ever more common in today’s tumultuous market. With many firms struggling to stay solvent, slow-paying or non-paying clients is...

Should I Choose A Payroll Funding Company Or A Factoring Company

  By Judy Collins  |    Thu Oct 27, 2022

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Productivity

Dear Just Ask Judy: I am having trouble making payroll for my staffing business. What options do I have for solving my cash flow problems? Should I choose a payroll funding company or a factoring company? What is the difference? … Perplexed in Palos Verdes Dear Perplexed in Palos Verdes: You are not...

Steps To Protect All Employees

  By Judy Collins  |    Thu Sep 29, 2022

Category: Uncategorized

Dear Just Ask Judy: “There was a recent threat of a shooting in my workplace. How do I know my organization is taking the necessary steps to protect all employees? … Concerned in Wisconsin Dear Concerned in Wisconsin: Remember when you did fire drills in elementary school… if you were like me, you...

Credit Card (CC) Payments

  By Judy Collins  |    Tue Aug 23, 2022

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Productivity

Dear Just Ask Judy: “I have a client that is asking about Credit Card (CC) payments. Do you have a way that I can offer this benefit to my client?” … Need Payment in Charlotte Dear Need Payment in Charlotte: My dad used to say that a deal is never done until...

Come Together ... With Temp And Contract Placements!

  By Judy Collins  |    Wed Mar 09, 2022

Category: Expert Advice, Productivity

People do business with people they like. As a recruiter you must be sure to come together with your clients and with your applicants to build strong long-lasting relationships. You should be seen as having their best interests at heart and as the go-to source for exceptional customer service. Understanding...

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