The Most Important Thing

  By Anonymous  |    Thu Jun 21, 2012

Category: Recruiting

It’s no secret that recruiting is a tough profession. It’s tough to get started in, it’s tough to be successful in, and it’s tough to stay successful in. Thousands of recruiters go out of business each and every year for one reason or another, and the industry plays no...

Train Your ATS To Become Your Assistant (...they work for free and never get tired!)

  By Anonymous  |    Thu Jun 21, 2012

Category: Automation, Recruiting

Circle the wagons, quickly! We are all about to die, let alone go out of business! Well, to continue the pun, let’s all just hold our horses. I have been through a number of recessions since I started in this business in 1977. While this is tougher than most, my...

Will the Internet Replace Recruiters?

  By Gary Stauble  |    Thu Jun 21, 2012

Category: Recruiting

As you know, the staffing industry as a whole has had it’s nose bloodied in the last few years and many recruiters did not have the training and tools that they needed to survive in a tougher market. I’ve heard estimates that as many as 30-40% of the firms that...

Candidate Rapport Not Candidate

  By Barb Bruno  |    Thu Jun 21, 2012

Category: Columns, Recruiting

It's no surprise to any of you that we are in a candidate-driven marketplace. More and more I'm receiving email messages asking me how to develop candidate control. Therein lies the problem. I don't believe you can control another person. Think about what you have done when someone in...

Training With a Twist

  By Anonymous  |    Thu Jun 21, 2012

Category: Recruiting

What if I told you that some of the best training you’ll ever receive as a recruiter might be free? Sound too good to be true? There’s no doubt that the training offered by today’s top industry trainers is valuable and can do a lot to improve the productivity of your...

Do you revise, re-write or reformat your candidate resumes?

  By Diane Skullr  |    Thu Jun 21, 2012

Category: Recruiting

I posted this question a couple of weeks ago to several groups on LinkedIn that are frequented by recruiters. The results were amazing. Historically, I had always trained my staff to review the resumes and make recommendations to the candidate for changes specific to the job opening. It was then up...

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