About Michael Gionta

Michael Gionta has over 20 years successfully growing his own recruiting firm that ranked in the top 3% of all MRI offices Worldwide. In addition, Michael is now sought out by owners who want to grow their recruiting firms but simply lack the “recipe” for doing so. His programs provide a step-by-step process that quickly be put into place to begin the journey of getting control of your business with profits that seemed out of reach before. Email Mike at info@TheRecruiterU.com to see if or how his programs can benefit you.


A Strategy for Attracting Great Recruiters ... It's Much More Than Selling 'The Money!'

  By Michael Gionta  |    Thu May 29, 2014

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

When I first opened in 1990 I had neither a defined nor strategic interview process to attract great recruiters to my firm. I just brought in prospects in and “sold the heck” out of them! I would call them in, tell them how much money they can make, ask...

Your Big Placement Just Blew Up... Your Biggest Biller Just Quit!

  By Michael Gionta  |    Mon May 12, 2014

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

SO What are You Going to Do About it? How You Answer Can Make or Break You!!! You have just spent the last 7 weeks doing an in-depth search, provided a short list of outstanding candidates, were persistent with your client to drive the process forward, acted as a therapist...

Getting MORE Out of Your Recruiters Does NOT Require Higher Compensation!!

  By Michael Gionta  |    Thu Apr 17, 2014

Category: Expert Advice, Motivational, Recruiting

The Way to Get More Production From Your Office Is Probably Different Than You Imagined! I like to challenge my clients to move out of their comfort zone, to push the envelope on everyday “recruiter” and “owner” thinking. In this vein, I challenged all of my Platinum Coaching clients to an assignment,...

Are You?

  By Michael Gionta  |    Mon Mar 10, 2014

Category: Expert Advice, Motivational

When I was 16 years old I came home from a particularly hard days’ work a Burger King where I commanded a wage of $3.35 per hour (yeah, minimum wage). My very loving and supportive mother asked me how my day was and I remember answering, “It was long, difficult...

If Your Goal Setting Exercises Have Failed You at Some Level Before...Get Bolder And Step Up to a LONG Term Vision!

  By Michael Gionta  |    Thu Jan 16, 2014

Category: Expert Advice

When I begin coaching a new recruiting firm owner client, whether a solo operator or someone scaling their business with multiple recruiters, the most overlooked step in building their business is the first stop of creating a VIVID vision for it. What, in your “mind’s eye”, does the business look...

Business IS Strong! Are You Getting Complacent? How to Take Your Business Up a Notch!

  By Michael Gionta  |    Thu Sep 12, 2013

Category: Motivational, Recruiting

Our industry has experienced a remarkable turnaround. My recruiting firm owner clients and other recruiters across the country are experiencing a surge in openings and regular deposits to their bank accounts again…. And, unfortunately, many are already getting complacent! How do I know that you, reading this article, may be getting...

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