Since your fee schedule wasn't signed by us, we don't owe you anything.

  By Jeffrey G. Allen  |    Thu Dec 27, 2012

Category: Expert Advice, Legal

Ve-r-r-ry fast, if you know the law! It's truly amazing how many employer lawyers attempt to use the ancient statute of frauds to shoehorn a contingency-fee arrangement into a contract that must be in writing and signed by the party to be charged (the client). The common law (original judge-made law) evolved...

Goal Setting for 2013

  By Bob Marshall  |    Thu Dec 27, 2012

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

Planning for 2013 The US general election is over and the various races have been decided. Your client companies, who have been waiting for some definition to the future, have it now. Cash will start flowing into hiring because it must. Most company’s manpower has been spread too thin for...


  By Barb Bruno  |    Thu Dec 27, 2012

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Recruiting

The recruiting profession is extremely time intensive. If your business is to flourish, your employees are not working a normal forty-hour work week. If you are a working owner, you have three full-time jobs: Business Owner Manager Producer When you review your schedule, chances are you are spending the majority of your time working...

Are You Stuck In Neutral?

  By Michael Gionta  |    Thu Dec 27, 2012

Category: Expert Advice, Motivational, Recruiting

Admittedly, nothing can feel more unbalancing for a recruiting firm owner than being stuck in neutral. This phase can happen for a variety of reasons: You’re ready to take your recruiting business to the next level, only you’re not sure what the best steps are to take. Your current business model is leaving...

Will online staffing make recruiters obsolete?

  By Jeremy Sisemore  |    Thu Dec 27, 2012

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting, Technology

This we know: technology’s a boon and a bane. If you’re like me, every week you’re reacting to some technological advance with “wow, that’s cool” and at the same time, the pace with which it’s moving is dizzying and scary, especially when you consider it has the potential to wipe...

2 Minute Recruiting

  By Gary Stauble  |    Thu Dec 27, 2012

Category: Expert Advice, Motivational, Recruiting

This monthly article gives you quick, easy-to-implement ideas on various subjects. This month’s topics have to do with getting past the gatekeeper and letting your candidates do some of your prep work. Topic #1: Getting Past the Gatekeeper So you’ve done the work of tracking down the name of a key...

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