Customer Service That Helps Build a Business, Not Just Close a Deal by Stacy Pursell

  By Anonymous  |    Fri Aug 29, 2014

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

In the recruiting profession, it’s all too easily to become overly focused on closing the next deal. However, focusing too much on that deal at the expense of your overall customer service can be detrimental in the long run. by Stacy Pursell It does mean something, and identifying what it means is...

Impossible Search? Or Are You Skipping a Strategic Step?? By Conni LaDouceur

  By Anonymous  |    Wed Jul 30, 2014

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

How do you source for your most challenging positions-to-fill? Are you presenting the most qualified talent or the most available talent? We’ve all recruited for tough-to-fill openings, hard-to-please hiring managers, less-than-competitive salaries, and even not-so-favorable company press. But what if you’re recruiting for a position and you simply can’t...

How the New Industrial Revolution Will Impact Staffing

  By Michael Neidle  |    Wed Jul 09, 2014

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting, Trends

OVERVIEW Staffing is on the verge of one of the largest changes to impact our industry. Last year the Wall Street Journal ran a special section called “A Revolution in the Making” all about the 3D manufacturing which was described as being as significant as the advent of the production line...

Make your recruiting more

  By Anonymous  |    Mon Jun 02, 2014

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting, Technology

As much as we hate to admit this, social media has weaseled its way into our everyday lives…and we secretly love it. Did you know that Americans spend an average of 37 minutes daily on social media, a higher time-spend than any other major Internet activity, including email. (Business Insider) On...

A Strategy for Attracting Great Recruiters ... It's Much More Than Selling 'The Money!'

  By Michael Gionta  |    Thu May 29, 2014

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

When I first opened in 1990 I had neither a defined nor strategic interview process to attract great recruiters to my firm. I just brought in prospects in and “sold the heck” out of them! I would call them in, tell them how much money they can make, ask...

Split Placement Story:

  By Anonymous  |    Thu May 15, 2014

Category: Expert Advice

Here is a story I hear repeated several times a year. “Leftover Candidates Are ‘found money’ and I failed to see the value until I started doing splits.” One of our member recruiters recently completed a retained search for a General Manager position that was fairly intense and rather...

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