The Impact and Importance of AI for Recruiters

  By Jason Thibeault  |    Tue Apr 04, 2023

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting, Technology, Trends

This isn’t going to be some surface-level gimmicky article which turns out to be written by artificial intelligence. I, Jason Thibeault, am writing every word. Real time for me. Full disclosure, I use spell check and autocorrect. Sometimes Grammarly. The E key is worn on this keyboard, so I can’t...

Using Your Staffing Website to Drive New Sales

  By Victoria Kenward  |    Wed Feb 15, 2023

Category: Expert Advice, Marketing, Technology

When was the last time you looked at your website? Did you take a long, hard look at it? Often, we go through the expense and process of creating a website, we take it live and there it sits. We may post new jobs to it, we may market our most...

Do I Have the Wrong Staffing Software?

  By Terri Roeslmeier  |    Thu Dec 22, 2022

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Productivity, Technology

So, you’ve selected what you felt was the very best staffing software in the world and after implementation, you really don’t see much of a difference in your operations. Did you select the wrong software? Probably not. This is a common problem and there are many reasons...

A Positive, Easy, Convenient Staffing Experience

  By Jennifer Roeslmeier  |    Sun Nov 27, 2022

Category: Expert Advice, Technology

What do Netflix®, Apple®, and Amazon® all have in common? They offer a positive, easy, and convenient consumer experience. Netflix offers good content for people to continue to subscribe to the streaming service. When browsing for shows and movies, you can easily continue watching a show from where you left...

How to Choose Staffing Software After a Merger or Acquisition

  By Terri Roeslmeier  |    Thu Oct 27, 2022

Category: Expert Advice, Technology

Remember getting “brand new shoes” when you were a kid but you couldn’t wear them until your parent gave you the green light? Sometimes you had to wait until school started and other times they were bought for that “special occasion” that took forever to come. The excitement would build...

What job applicants actually think and do (statistically proven.)

  By Lynn Connor  |    Thu Oct 27, 2022

Category: Expert Advice, Productivity, Technology

Making a good first impression is crucial if you don’t want to lose qualified applicants who are going through your hiring process. It’s a two-way street. You aren’t just interviewing someone to work for you; they are looking at everything about your company as well, starting with your online presence....

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