Current Relocation Challenges for Recruiters (& How to Overcome Them) By Stacy Pursell

  By Anonymous  |    Fri May 12, 2017

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

Following the Great Recession several years ago, relocation was a huge issue for recruiters. That’s because many candidates were “underwater” on their mortgage, the housing industry was in shambles, and the prospects of selling one’s home (at least for a profit) were slim to none. Now in 2017, relocation is nowhere...

Strategies for Recruiting & Marketing to Candidates

  By Terri Roeslmeier  |    Thu May 11, 2017

Category: Expert Advice, Technology

Now that it’s well into 2017 I hope most of you are still sticking with your resolutions whatever they may be. I am sure many of you have read that the staffing industry is going through some changes. These changes will either make or break staffing firms. It is no...

Millennials in the Workplace: Refreshing the office

  By Anonymous  |    Tue May 02, 2017

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Motivational

Millennials have grown up with the technology to complete tasks that years ago would take hours to do and have mastered the use of such. This often can be an issue in an office of multi-generations. Those of older generations have systems and ways of doing things that may still...


  By Judy Collins  |    Mon May 01, 2017

Category: Contracting, Expert Advice

Your reputation will make you more money in the long run than a one-time deal. Reputation is built on trust, good judgment, diligence and attention to detail. Part of the building process is developing good long-term relationships based on these high professional standards. To build these relationships you should treat...

Split Placement Story: Contract Role Placements Add Up! By Liz Carey

  By Anonymous  |    Mon May 01, 2017

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

Temp and contract deals continue to be a source of growing revenue for many members of our split placement network. Even if your firm doesn’t have a dedicated temp division, you can still fill contract roles. While the fee may seem meager compared to a hefty fee on a permanent...

In My Opinion-Recruiters tend to stop one step short of doing everything they could do to place a candidate By John Frey

  By Anonymous  |    Thu Apr 27, 2017

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

Over the years, I have spoken with hundreds of Healthcare Recruiters. I am always amazed at the same mistake most of them make concerning placing a candidate. That mistake is: they stop the placement process once they have submitted the candidate to their opportunities. Based on my conversations, a good recruiter...

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