Digital Era Marketing is Still About the Fundamentals By Jim Hoeft

  By Jim Hoeft  |    Thu Apr 26, 2018

Category: Expert Advice, Technology

The goal of a staffing agency is to find qualified people to work for clients who are willing to pay for the service. While this sounds simple, we all know it can be a significant challenge. The logistics of managing such an operation is daunting, but just like diners to...

10 Types of Sourcing Tools to Find More Candidates

  By Anonymous  |    Mon Apr 09, 2018

Category: Expert Advice, Productivity, Technology

Finding candidates is difficult work. Not only that, but it can also take you a while to find the right ones for your job orders. Luckily, constantly developing technology has provided many recruiter tools that can make your candidate search easier. You can use sourcing tools to find candidates and track...

Staffing Industry Instagram Hashtags for Followers & Employment Branding By Michelle Sears

  By Anonymous  |    Thu Mar 29, 2018

Category: Social Media, Technology, Trends

Hashtags are essential for growing your audience on Instagram. If you don’t use hashtags, you’re only speaking to your unique (and probably small) audience, rather than to an entire network of users who may be searching popular hashtags. Hashtags can be tricky though! While it’s tempting to use hashtags you know...

Staffing Customer Experience Trends: What’s Hot in 2018? By Victoria Kenward

  By Anonymous  |    Tue Mar 13, 2018

Category: Expert Advice, Technology

Offering an amazing customer experience is an important competitive differentiator for many staffing and recruiting firms. But changes in customers’ expectations and technology make it tough to consistently WOW clients and candidates. What worked yesterday won’t necessarily cut it today, much less tomorrow. What’s Changing in Customer Experience? Customer experience futurist...

Everyone Loves a Gross Margin

  By Terri Roeslmeier  |    Mon Feb 26, 2018

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Recruiting, Technology

What would we do without the good old Gross Margin Report? It is a handy guide that helps analyze our staffing firm’s profitability and forecast future revenue. It is a very important tool if checked regularly because the information can help us make adjustments to ensure good profitability. Gross revenue...

How to Improve the Recruitment Process with Software

  By Anonymous  |    Mon Feb 26, 2018

Category: Automation, Expert Advice, Productivity, Recruiting, Technology

As a recruiter, you don’t just want to find the right candidate for your client’s open position, you want to find that candidate NOW. Actually, you want to find them yesterday . . . or quite possibly the day before that. Knowing how to improve the recruitment process is not...

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