What To Do After You Implement New Staffing Software

  By Terri Roeslmeier  |    Thu Sep 08, 2022

Category: Expert Advice, Technology

If you choose to use staffing software to help run your business then you are “automated”. However, automation offers a variety of returns, all based upon software features that are available and implementation of processes within the organization. New software is exciting but how come it always looks better and...

10 Tips to Get Your Candidate

  By Chris Heinz  |    Thu Aug 25, 2022

Category: Expert Advice, Productivity, Recruiting

You have openings…lots of openings! Whether you are an internal talent acquisition specialist or an outside recruiter, this is a good problem to have, right? After all, openings mean you have things to do, postings to post, candidates to call, and texts to send. But, all of the openings in the...

Crime and Punishment

  By Michael Neidle  |    Thu Aug 25, 2022

Category: Expert Advice

Crime and Punishment is a novel by Dostoevsky but has a message for today. The focus of the story is about someone who convinces himself that with his ill-gotten gains, he could liberate himself and go on to perform great deeds and deludes himself that his crimes were justifiable if...

Top-Performing NPAworldwide Member Recruiters Reach Gold Level

  By news release  |    Thu Aug 25, 2022

Category: News Releases

NPAworldwide is proud to announce that eight of its members have reached the prestigious Gold level in the Recruiter Achievement Status (RAS) program. This lifetime achievement program honors recruitment professionals who have cumulatively earned salaries totaling at least US $2 million. "Member recruiters who have reached the Gold distinction or...

Decrease The Number Of Counteroffers That Fall Off

  By Michael Gionta  |    Tue Aug 23, 2022

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Productivity

QUESTION: Mike, this year has been tough. More and more candidates are either turning down offers or taking counteroffers. Any quick tips, scripts, or methods to decrease the number of counteroffers that fall off? Liz – Wisconsin. Yes. Control the Process Generally, when I find people with a high number of turndowns or...

Credit Card (CC) Payments

  By Judy Collins  |    Tue Aug 23, 2022

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Productivity

Dear Just Ask Judy: “I have a client that is asking about Credit Card (CC) payments. Do you have a way that I can offer this benefit to my client?” … Need Payment in Charlotte Dear Need Payment in Charlotte: My dad used to say that a deal is never done until...

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