How do I keep myself motivated at year-end

  By Michael Gionta  |    Sun Nov 27, 2022

Category: Columns, Expert Advice

Question: How do I keep myself motivated? ~Robert – San Diego. Thank you for that question; I will preface it by saying it is a common misperception. In all the years I have run my office and measured it in the most recent years with our clients, here is a...

A Positive, Easy, Convenient Staffing Experience

  By Jennifer Roeslmeier  |    Sun Nov 27, 2022

Category: Expert Advice, Technology

What do Netflix®, Apple®, and Amazon® all have in common? They offer a positive, easy, and convenient consumer experience. Netflix offers good content for people to continue to subscribe to the streaming service. When browsing for shows and movies, you can easily continue watching a show from where you left...

Collecting on Past Due Accounts

  By Judy Collins  |    Sun Nov 27, 2022

Category: Columns, Expert Advice

Dear Just Ask Judy: “I am getting concerned with some past due accounts. When should I take collection action?” … Anxious in Atlanta Dear Anxious in Atlanta: Collections issues are becoming ever more common in today’s tumultuous market. With many firms struggling to stay solvent, slow-paying or non-paying clients is...


  By Barb Bruno  |    Sun Nov 27, 2022

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Motivational

Creative and innovative leadership is the process of leading and managing new ideas. This requires creating action items that are dated and assigned to someone for the ideas to become reality. The following are common traits of the most creative and innovative leaders in the Staffing and Recruiting Profession.

Annual Job Seeker Report: Key Findings

  By Lynn Connor  |    Sun Nov 27, 2022

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Recruiting

Understanding the preferences and experiences of job seekers is paramount to the staffing industry. In 2021, the United States labor market saw huge challenges, with almost 10 million unemployed and an unemployment rate of 6.2%. The drastic changes one year later are what everyone in staffing should be aware of...

NPAworldwide Membership Increases with 16 New Firms

  By news release  |    Sun Nov 27, 2022

Category: News Releases

NPAworldwide Membership Increases with 16 New Firms NPAworldwide, a recruitment network with over 550 member firms spanning nearly 50 countries, has announced the enrollment of 16 new member firms. This growth demonstrates the value that NPAworldwidemembership provides through resources like a private job board, benchmarking, peer networking, and a multitude...

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