New study reveals the most popular digital jobs per state

  By news release  |    Thu Jun 02, 2022

Category: News Releases

• VoiceNation reveals the most popular digital jobs per state based on data from• Finance is the most popular digital job overall in the US• Searches for ‘the great resignation 2022’ have increased by +600% in the past 12 months Are you an...

IT Staffing Trends and Keeping the Talent Pool Full Post-Pandemic

  By Aaron Elder  |    Wed May 25, 2022

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

A 2021-2023 Emerging Technology Roadmap report from Gartner Inc. noted that 64% of IT executives cite talent shortages as the most significant barrier to adopting emerging technology. While IT leaders agree that their team is working more closely with recruiters to implement workplace technologies, locating the talent to...

South Carolina becomes third in the southeast to end subminimum wage, new law also promotes disability inclusion in the workforce

  By news release  |    Wed May 25, 2022

Category: News Releases

On May 23, 2022 (S.533), a bill to end subminimum wage in South Carolina, was signed into law by Governor Henry McMaster following years of grassroots advocacy. South Carolina has become the third state in the Southeast and the twelfth in the nation to pass legislation, breaking from federal law...

Need more, or actually better clients for your staffing agency?

  By Lynn Connor  |    Mon May 16, 2022

Category: Expert Advice, Productivity, Recruiting

Having been in the staffing industry for more than 35 years, I came to understand that sales and prospecting for new clients never stops. You can never have too many clients, but you can have the wrong clients. You know, those are the clients with the lowest margin and...

What Are Some Factors That May Be Leading You To Do Twice The Work

  By Michael Gionta  |    Mon May 16, 2022

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Recruiting

Q: I had my admin run reports to verify our metrics over the last couple of years. Key metrics she had measured so far include submissions to first time interviews (send-outs). We are getting one send out for every one first time interview for every 1.3 submissions. Our send...

More Case Studies

  By Michael Neidle  |    Mon May 16, 2022

Category: Columns, Productivity, Recruiting

Here are more case studies from some of our management consulting engagements over the last 2+ decades. This company had just completed the start-up phase of the business, going from operating from the home of one of the partner’ founders, to a commercial office space. Billings at that time were...

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