Four Hot Topics your Client Prospects WILL Want to Talk About

  By Kathleen Kurke  |    Mon Feb 26, 2018

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Recruiting

If you’re calling prospects and telling them “I’ve got a guy for you” or, it’s likely they’re not answering the phone or returning your call. Neither of these topics are what your prospects care about, thinking about, or are talking about inside their own organization, so they’ll likely see no...

Everyone Loves a Gross Margin

  By Terri Roeslmeier  |    Mon Feb 26, 2018

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Recruiting, Technology

What would we do without the good old Gross Margin Report? It is a handy guide that helps analyze our staffing firm’s profitability and forecast future revenue. It is a very important tool if checked regularly because the information can help us make adjustments to ensure good profitability. Gross revenue...

How to Improve the Recruitment Process with Software

  By Anonymous  |    Mon Feb 26, 2018

Category: Automation, Expert Advice, Productivity, Recruiting, Technology

As a recruiter, you don’t just want to find the right candidate for your client’s open position, you want to find that candidate NOW. Actually, you want to find them yesterday . . . or quite possibly the day before that. Knowing how to improve the recruitment process is not...

5 Steps To Start Digital Marketing for Your Recruiting Firm (Without Breaking The Bank)

  By Tony Sorensen  |    Mon Feb 26, 2018

Category: Expert Advice, Technology

I was recently in Dallas for a conference with some of the largest search firms in the country. At the end of the conference, one of the biggest questions the firms had was not, “Should I be spending money on digital marketing?” Instead, they were asking, “Ok, how

Ask Coach Mike: Draw Versus Salary

  By Michael Gionta  |    Mon Feb 26, 2018

Category: Columns, Expert Advice

Hi Coach Mike! What are your thoughts on draw versus salary plus commission for recruiters. It is very hard for me to justify paying a commission after someone has blanked for two months. If the person was on a draw, I know the money would be going back into...

Sustainable Social Media for Your Staffing Agency By Aaron Eastlack

  By Anonymous  |    Mon Feb 12, 2018

Category: Expert Advice, Productivity, Technology

I hear this question all the time: “What should I be doing on social media as a staffing firm?” My return question is: “What kind of marketing are you doing now?” The reason is simple. Why try something new that is not going to fit into what you are already doing and...

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