Boost Your Energy and Productivity in 2016!! by Patricia Conlin

  By Anonymous  |    Tue Feb 09, 2016

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Motivational

As the new year unfolds, most of us have made resolutions in some areas of our lives to improve. As a recruiter, you might want to increase your billings or maybe work less or find time somehow to get to the gym to lose 10 pounds. How many of us make a...

The oversharing world and the workplace by Tiffany Turner

  By Anonymous  |    Tue Feb 02, 2016

Category: Social Media

Today’s young workers are on at least one social media if not more which means their lives are constantly on display. The good, the bad and the boss bashing . . . 20 years ago, employers did not have such access in to their employees lives. What went on in...


  By Mike Lejuene  |    Tue Feb 02, 2016

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

You would think that an NFL football team like the Houston Texans would have a singular, simple focus on winning football games. In meeting with Jamey Rootes, President of the Texans, I found out differently. Yes, the gifted athletes on the field with amazing physical prowess battle each week...

5 Signs You Need to Switch Your Staffing Software

  By Terri Roeslmeier  |    Thu Jan 28, 2016

Category: Expert Advice, Technology

With so many other business concerns, your staffing software should provide you with a sense of Zen, not a throbbing headache. Sadly, not every platform is going to be ideal for your specific business. That is why we recommend saying adieu to incompatible solutions and switching your staffing software vendor...

It's hard to recruit...when your reputation sucks.

  By Anonymous  |    Tue Jan 12, 2016

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting, Social Media, Technology

Imagine you’re looking for a job. And I have one to offer. Great pay. Strong benefits. Challenging work. Would you apply? But... What if you never heard about the job? Or even worse... What if our recruiters didn’t treat people very well? Or our company had a reputation for being a lousy place to work? Or your...


  By Scott Wintrip  |    Mon Dec 28, 2015

Category: Expert Advice, Motivational, Recruiting

This is one of those naïve "defenses" only a foolish feefighter would allege. Yet it's among the most popular, because candidates fall all over their paychecks to help. There are actually two levels of defense here: 1. The candidate was your agent and therefore could waive (relinquish) your right to...

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