Why Your Team Is Not Maximizing LinkedIn Recruiter By Neil Lebovits

  By Anonymous  |    Sun Dec 28, 2014

Category: Certification, Education, Technology

Getting your money's worth So, you bought "LinkedIn Recruiter" for your or your team. Bravo. Although it's very expensive, it has some amazing capabilities. Sadly, as I have seen from most of my clients, the tools are not being utilized to capture all of its great efficiencies. Here are some great...

Techline: Q & A

  By John Sacerdote  |    Mon Dec 15, 2014

Category: Columns, Technology

Question 1: I am hearing more and more about “3rd party add-ons. Is that something I should look into? Answer: Yes, absolutely. What people are beginning to understand is that they want “best in breed.” Great ATS companies are the first to admit that they cannot do everything for...

Can Video Interviewing Improve Your Client Collaboration? By Josh Tolan

  By Anonymous  |    Sat Nov 29, 2014

Category: Technology

As a staffing agency professional, you want to find your clients the best talent as soon as possible. You’re confident you can find them an amazing candidate, especially because you’re using video interviewing. The next step now is to truly show your clients the talent you’ve located. Video interviewing has changed...

Why Responsive Sites Are Important for Recruiters By Tricia Cleppe

  By Anonymous  |    Thu Nov 13, 2014

Category: Technology

According to CNN Money’s article from early 2014, mobile use, including tablets, has finally eclipsed standard PC usage with “mobile devices account[ing] for 55% of Internet usage” in the United States. What does this mean for users? With smart phone and tablet capabilities, users are constantly on the go and want a...

The Hire Right Assessment

  By Scott Wintrip  |    Thu Oct 30, 2014

Category: Expert Advice, Motivational, Recruiting

Are you hiring right? “Of course we are,” answered Dan, a recruitment firm CEO who is a new advisory client from the West Coast of the United States. Then, he took the Hire Right Assessment and was shocked to learn how much better other companies were doing at hiring for...

Consistency & Commitment Are Lacking in Most Recruiting Firm Owners Offices and Desks. Why?

  By Michael Gionta  |    Thu Oct 09, 2014

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

Consistency and commitment… That’s all it takes! If a recruiter/owner were both consistent and committed they would achieve their targets over 90% of the time! Probably 99%, but let’s be conservative! This is easy in theory and more difficult in execution. Recently I spent a week with my most advanced clients. ...

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