And NOT Or...

  By Chris Heinz  |    Tue Jul 27, 2021

Category: Expert Advice, Productivity

Over my 24 years in recruiting, I have heard lots of absolutes … “Internet candidates are only the low hanging fruit”... “If they won’t give you an exclusive, never work with them”... “You’ll never get anywhere with HR”... You’ve never heard any of these before, right? Recruiting is NOT a world of absolutes. It...


  By Barb Bruno  |    Tue Jul 27, 2021

Category: Productivity, Social Media, Technology

Viewing your presence on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media sites is often your unofficial first impression. Does your social media presence help or hinder your ability to attract the best clients, candidates, and employees for your firm. To answer that question, conduct a simple Google search on your...

Creating Market Value in Staffing

  By Michael Neidle  |    Tue Jul 27, 2021

Category: Columns, Expert Advice

You can make a good living by doing Direct Hire (perm) as a small company, but this often doesn’t translate into maximizing your market value and having several potential buyers. There are a few reasons for this, principally as temp staffing (contracting) generates “an annuity” or continuous revenue stream by...

Candidate Quantity or Quality? Why Less Is More in Modern Recruiting

  By Jason Hayes  |    Fri Jul 16, 2021

Category: Productivity, Recruiting

Would you rather receive 100 job applicants, 90% of whom are unqualified or irrelevant for your open position? Or would you rather attract 10 applicants, 90% of whom are high-caliber, top-notch candidates? I frequently hear from recruiters who are hyper-focused on candidate quantity: they cast wide nets to increase their...

5 excuses customers use to not pay your staffing agency

  By Lynn Connor  |    Sun Jul 11, 2021

Category: Expert Advice, Productivity

Before a claim becomes a legal issue, your clients might give you various excuses and make up reasons why they feel they don’t have to pay their invoice(s). Don’t put yourself through this gamut of promises and lies. Make sure you turn your client over to collections before...

Show or Tell – Let Your Expertise Shine!

  By Tony Sorensen  |    Fri Jul 09, 2021

Category: Expert Advice, Marketing

One thing staffing and recruiting agencies know better than anybody is the difference between simply working and actually getting the job done. When it comes to your brand, you could be working hard and doing everything right by: Starting from the ground up, creating a brand guide complete with all the elements of...

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