How to Sell a Retainer on an Existing Search

  By Michael Gionta  |    Mon Oct 30, 2023

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Productivity, Recruiting

The advent of internet research has made recruiters lazy in asking for referrals. When I was on a desk, back in the old days, we did not have access to a human being that could put together the personal email address, cell phone number, name, and title of clients and...

Generational Differences of Candidates for Employment Demand Individualized Attention

  By Frank Burtnett  |    Mon Oct 30, 2023

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Productivity

EMInfo Reader: How can recruiting and staffing industry professionals respond effectively to an emerging workforce that is expected to represent the broadest spectrum of people possessing the greatest assortment of ideals, values and interests in history? Dr. Burtnett: By acknowledging the diversity of the current and future workforce, you have taken...

Attracting High-Value Clients: Leveraging Digital Marketing Strategies for Recruitment

  By Sam Prost  |    Mon Oct 30, 2023

Category: Expert Advice, Marketing

Effective marketing strategies are crucial today more than ever for recruitment agencies seeking to attract high-value clients. Leveraging the power of digital marketing can significantly impact your firm’s success by reaching a wider audience, showcasing your expertise and positioning your brand as a top choice for employers in need of...

Stand Back And See The Big Picture

  By Barb Bruno  |    Mon Oct 30, 2023

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Productivity

Staffing and recruiting firm owners work in a fast-paced, time-intensive, high-pressure, and ever-changing environment. If you are a producing owner, you have at least two full-time areas of responsibility which can often cause you to work in vs. on your business. I attended an owner retreat, and we were told, “Work...

5 Reasons Why You Didn’t Close the Deal

  By Bob Pettke  |    Wed Oct 25, 2023

Category: Expert Advice, Productivity, Recruiting

Every salesperson has been at that point where they “didn’t close the deal.” Perhaps the prospective customer went with a competitor instead or they decided to keep doing what they are currently doing. Why didn’t they move forward with your services or solution? This is the million-dollar question...

Attracting High-Value Clients: Leveraging Digital Marketing Strategies for Recruitment Agencies

  By Sam Prost  |    Tue Oct 10, 2023

Category: Expert Advice, Marketing

Effective marketing strategies are crucial today more than ever for recruitment agencies seeking to attract high-value clients. Leveraging the power of digital marketing can significantly impact your firm’s success by reaching a wider audience, showcasing your expertise and positioning your brand as a top choice for employers in need of...

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