New Year, New Decade, New Staffing Software

  By Jennifer Roeslmeier  |    Thu Jan 16, 2020

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting, Technology

The start of a brand-new year is an exciting time for people to reflect on the year behind them and think about goals for the year ahead. Many people look at it as a fresh start! Perhaps there are new best practices you want to try, or pick up a...

Independent contractors may need to be replaced with employees as of January 1. Educate your clients. Help fill new roles.

  By Lynn Connor  |    Tue Jan 14, 2020

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

Do any of your clients utilize independent contractors? If so, and if they are in California, the law has changed as of January 1, 2020. And, even if you’re not in Cali, you need to pay attention to Assembly Bill 5 as some states have the same restrictions,...

8 Tips to Improve Candidate Engagement

  By Avionte  |    Tue Jan 14, 2020

Category: Expert Advice, Productivity, Recruiting

Let’s face the facts, the unemployment rate is the lowest it’s been in decades, creating a very tight talent market that over 20,000 staffing & recruiting firms (among others) are competing for.

Pay & Bill Rates - Conversations with Clients

  By Lynn Connor  |    Thu Jan 02, 2020

Category: Expert Advice, Legal, Recruiting

In July of 2019, the national unemployment rate was 3.7%. Minimum wage rates are increasing across the nation. At the beginning of 2019, eighteen states began the year with higher minimum wages based on the cost of living and ten other states increased their rates due to prior approved legislation...

Making 2020 your Quantum Leap Year

  By Jon Bartos  |    Thu Jan 02, 2020

Category: Expert Advice, Motivational, Recruiting

2020 looks to be a challenging year for the recruiting industry. We have record employment in every sector meaning few people searching for new jobs, more jobs available than people looking and now - voice to voice communications are at an all-time low. Ghosting, Turn Downs and Fall offs...

If Your Goal Setting Exercises Have Failed You at Some Level Before… Get Bolder And Step Up to a LONG Term Vision!

  By Michael Gionta  |    Thu Jan 02, 2020

Category: Expert Advice, Motivational, Recruiting

When I begin coaching a new recruiting firm owner client, whether a solo operator or someone scaling their business with multiple recruiters, the most overlooked step in building their business is the first stop of creating a VIVID vision for it. What, in your “mind’s eye”, does the business look...

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