By Mike Lejuene  |    Tue Feb 02, 2016

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

You would think that an NFL football team like the Houston Texans would have a singular, simple focus on winning football games. In meeting with Jamey Rootes, President of the Texans, I found out differently. Yes, the gifted athletes on the field with amazing physical prowess battle each week...

It's hard to recruit...when your reputation sucks.

  By Anonymous  |    Tue Jan 12, 2016

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting, Social Media, Technology

Imagine you’re looking for a job. And I have one to offer. Great pay. Strong benefits. Challenging work. Would you apply? But... What if you never heard about the job? Or even worse... What if our recruiters didn’t treat people very well? Or our company had a reputation for being a lousy place to work? Or your...


  By Scott Wintrip  |    Mon Dec 28, 2015

Category: Expert Advice, Motivational, Recruiting

This is one of those naïve "defenses" only a foolish feefighter would allege. Yet it's among the most popular, because candidates fall all over their paychecks to help. There are actually two levels of defense here: 1. The candidate was your agent and therefore could waive (relinquish) your right to...


  By Barb Bruno  |    Wed Nov 04, 2015

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Recruiting

Can your employees produce more? Of course they can, but will they? They will not because you want to have a record year. It’s important to realize that people do things for their own reasons – not yours. It is impossible to motivate an individual who does not want to be...

Why Recruiters on Your Team Aren't Listening

  By Scott Wintrip  |    Tue Nov 03, 2015

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

Leaders are often frustrated that they have to repeat themselves. Are the recruiters and other staff members on their team not listening? No, often, they are not. Short attention spans have gotten shorter. We have just nine seconds to capture someone’s attention. And only 30 seconds to share our full message being...

5 Tips to Save Yourself from a Train Wreck at work By Patricia Conlin

  By Anonymous  |    Wed Oct 28, 2015

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

Things have fallen off the rails at work lately…Now what do you do? Have you ever felt like everything is going wrong with a project or client despite your best efforts. Like fate is conspiring against you and only you. While others move effortlessly from one success to another, you face...

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