Getting to at least “Exclusivity” on every Search

  By Jon Bartos  |    Tue Jul 30, 2019

Category: Expert Advice, Homepage Showcase, Recruiting

As many of you already realize, the better-quality search you work on the more money you will make. The facts are ugly in the Perm Placement recruiting business if you are not working on high quality searches, which means at a minimum you need to get exclusive searches. The fastest...

Telling isn’t Selling

  By Jason Thibeault  |    Thu Jul 25, 2019

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

An infomercial is a lecture. The problem with lectures is they aren’t interactive. Sure, Billie Mays tried to ask and answer the questions he thought you might have. But you didn’t get to interact. Now we’ll never know if Oxi-Clean can erase dried on Mighty Putty. But that’s just one question...

Part 1 out of 3: Money-Recruiting A Simple Guide on how to make it rain cash by Using Metrics in your Recruiting Firm

  By Jon Bartos  |    Mon Jul 08, 2019

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

A 2004 bestseller book by Michael Lewis and a 2011 blockbuster movie starring Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill, Moneyball is the true story of how the 2002 Oakland Athletics baseball team became a competitive and playoff-bound professional baseball team by bringing on players who, based on metrics or statistics, were...

The Magic of Brick & Mortar Recruiting

  By Terri Roeslmeier  |    Mon Jul 08, 2019

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Productivity

I am a huge on-line shopper. Sometimes I do not visit a department store for months. I really hate shopping anyway and who has time? Why would anyone want to fight for a parking spot, stand in long lines and shuffle through countless items trying to find “the right one”....

The Proven Process: Digital Marketing Made Simple - Part 1

  By Jared Hummel  |    Wed Jun 26, 2019

Category: Expert Advice, Social Media, Technology, Trends

At Parqa, we use a simple, three step “proven process” to help guide our customers to the results they hired us to help them achieve. As a digital marketing company, we hear from potential clients all the time, “I just want more leads for my team.” Like many things in...

Building a High Performance Recruitment Team

  By Patricia Conlin  |    Wed Jun 12, 2019

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Motivational

Have you ever dreaded going to work because there was someone at the office who consistently brought you down or disrupted your focus or worse was actively sabotaging your efforts to make progress? Sometimes, you may have complained about this co-worker to a boss only to have it fall on...

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