The Impact Of Linkedin Profiles

  By Barb Bruno  |    Wed Apr 26, 2023

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

LinkedIn has been in business since 2003 and is widely considered the benchmark for professional networking social media platforms. There are more than 700 million users on the platform from countries around the world, and each week 40 million people use LinkedIn to search for a job. Prospective candidates and clients will...

Do You Know What Your Clients Want?

  By Michael Neidle  |    Wed Apr 26, 2023

Category: Columns, Expert Advice

Do you know what your clients, prospects, staff, investors, and constituencies want, (defined here as stakeholders) in order to retain them, or winning them over by placing their trust in you? They may say what they want but may actually want something different. Stakeholders may be subjected to “group-think”...

The Basics of there anything "basic" about hiring?

  By Chris Heinz  |    Wed Apr 26, 2023

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

Hiring is a crucial aspect of any organization, as the people you bring on board will ultimately determine the success or failure of the business. Hiring the right individuals with the right skills and experience can help to create a productive and positive workplace environment while hiring the wrong people...

Trends: ChatGPT

  By Anonymous  |    Wed Apr 26, 2023

Category: Technology, Trends

ChatGPT has been launched for a few months now and 50% of business owners recently said they have implemented the chatbot. So, JobSage wanted to see how it performed when it comes to sensitive management scenarios and had its responses ranked by experts. Key takeaways: Sensitive management scenarios: 60% found to be acceptable...

New LinkedIn Features You Should Definitely Know

  By Natalia Navarro  |    Tue Apr 11, 2023

Category: Marketing, Productivity, Recruiting, Social Media, Technology

With its range of advanced tools for publishing and building community, LinkedIn Pages give businesses and organizations the chance to communicate their purpose, values and offerings. New LinkedIn Page features are available to help organizations maximize their online presence. Learn how you can make the most of them to upgrade your...

3 Tax Incentives Staffing Agencies Need to Consider

  By Lynn Connor  |    Tue Apr 11, 2023

Category: Expert Advice, Legal

Tax season is upon us, and there are some valuable tax credits and incentives available to businesses that can help reduce your tax liability. Staffing agencies should take a moment to look at these programs to make sure they are not overlooking any tax credits that you may be eligible...

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