COACH Mike - I want to hire a recruiter?

  By Michael Gionta  |    Mon Jun 08, 2020

Category: Columns

QUESTION: Hey Mike, I want to hire. I have heard you talk about different roles you can hire recruiters in. I am a solo now. Who should be my first hire? - Josephine ANSWER: A prescription without a diagnosis is malpractice. The answer is, in a real generic sense,...

Owners Only- Decrease Expenses - Increase Revenue

  By Barb Bruno  |    Mon Jun 08, 2020

Category: Columns, Expert Advice

It is just incredible how much has changed worldwide due to Covid-19. There is tremendous uncertainty in the world, but we’ve shown our resilience before and will do so again. Think for a moment about where you were on 9/11 and the fear that consumed our entire country. Do you...

Need Help Resolving Service Issues? Channel Your Inner Toddler

  By Victoria Kenward  |    Mon Apr 13, 2020

Category: Expert Advice, Technology

"Why do people get sick?" "Why do I have to eat vegetables?"

Staying positive in a crisis using Gratitude

  By Patricia Conlin  |    Mon Apr 13, 2020

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Motivational

Many of us are feeling that in recent weeks we have moved our clocks not to daylight savings time but instead to the twilight zone. The Coronavirus (Covid-19) virus has had massive impacts...

Employer Credit for Employee Retention

  By Lynn Connor  |    Thu Apr 02, 2020

Category: Expert Advice, Funding, Legal, Productivity

The United States Department of Treasury issued a press release yesterday to encourage businesses impacted by COVID-19 to use the Employee Retention Credit. The credit was created to encourage firms to keep their employees on their payroll. Available to all employers regardless of size, the credit covers up to 50...


  By Judy Collins  |    Thu Apr 02, 2020

Category: Contracting, Expert Advice

Natural, and man-made, disasters can strike at any time. We know from the Boy Scouts’ motto that we should “Be Prepared.” The current crisis brought about by the COVID-19 virus demonstrates the wisdom of this advice. Sadly, we now realize that our preparedness for this biological disaster was lacking...

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