The Most Effective Candidate Sourcing Techniques for Recruiters

  By Top Echelon  |    Wed Sep 11, 2019

Category: Expert Advice, Productivity, Recruiting, Technology

When it comes to advertising jobs on the Internet to source candidates, getting a good response rate is, well . . . good. But you know what’s better? Getting a good response rate from great candidates! Because great candidates turn into placements. And placements turn into placement checks. And placement...

The Proven Process: Digital Marketing Made Simple – Part 2

  By Jared Hummel  |    Tue Jul 30, 2019

Category: Expert Advice, Social Media, Technology, Trends

In part one of our three-part series focusing on Parqa’s proven process we covered Brand Credibility. While five years ago a company could use their website as a “brochure,” in today’s environment your website MUST be your best sales person. Your website must portray your image as a Company and...

The Proven Process: Digital Marketing Made Simple - Part 1

  By Jared Hummel  |    Wed Jun 26, 2019

Category: Expert Advice, Social Media, Technology, Trends

At Parqa, we use a simple, three step “proven process” to help guide our customers to the results they hired us to help them achieve. As a digital marketing company, we hear from potential clients all the time, “I just want more leads for my team.” Like many things in...

Online Visibility

  By Tony Sorensen  |    Mon Apr 29, 2019

Category: Expert Advice, Technology

Your Brand Your Reputation Remember those early days of colorful sticky notes placed strategically to a wall attempting to wean out every last bit of creativity and strategy you could muster to figure out which logo or color palette would be best to lead your company skyrocketing into the future? Or...

Your Brand Your Reputation

  By Tony Sorensen  |    Thu Apr 11, 2019

Category: Expert Advice, Technology, Trends

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Texting Candidates Will Streamline Your Recruitment Process

  By Jennifer Roeslmeier  |    Tue Apr 09, 2019

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting, Technology

How common is it for you to text a candidate verses sending them an e-mail? Is it normal for you to send a text or does it seem out of place? If you aren’t regularly texting candidates, you may be missing out on a big opportunity to streamline your recruitment...

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