If the Early Bird Gets the Worm, Do you want to be an Early Bird? Road Out?

  By Kathleen Kurke  |    Wed Aug 21, 2019

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Homepage Showcase, Productivity

Let’s not knock the worm. If you’ve jumped on the Keto or Whole 30 bandwagon, a worm would qualify as a high-protein win with rich nutritional value. If you’re an American robin, scoring a wiggling earthworm is a great start on the up to 14’ of worms you might collect...

Use Power Word... For Temp & Contract

  By Judy Collins  |    Tue Aug 13, 2019

Category: Contracting, Expert Advice

Language is how we communicate our ideas. Words are the building blocks of language. Learn to use “power words” to be more persuasive, trigger an emotional response, and create a call to action in the marketplace. What you say to your clients and applicants is extremely important. The emphasis...

The Proven Process: Digital Marketing Made Simple – Part 2

  By Jared Hummel  |    Tue Jul 30, 2019

Category: Expert Advice, Social Media, Technology, Trends

In part one of our three-part series focusing on Parqa’s proven process we covered Brand Credibility. While five years ago a company could use their website as a “brochure,” in today’s environment your website MUST be your best sales person. Your website must portray your image as a Company and...

The Wacky World of Commissions

  By Terri Roeslmeier  |    Tue Jul 30, 2019

Category: Expert Advice, Homepage Showcase, Recruiting

Commission is absolutely the most incredulous foolery in the business world! It’s absurd, irrational and in more simple terms – lunacy. Some plans are so complex that even the sales reps who are the recipients don’t understand them. Others take banks of accountants to figure out. Many are computed manually...

Getting to at least “Exclusivity” on every Search

  By Jon Bartos  |    Tue Jul 30, 2019

Category: Expert Advice, Homepage Showcase, Recruiting

As many of you already realize, the better-quality search you work on the more money you will make. The facts are ugly in the Perm Placement recruiting business if you are not working on high quality searches, which means at a minimum you need to get exclusive searches. The fastest...

Telling isn’t Selling

  By Jason Thibeault  |    Thu Jul 25, 2019

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

An infomercial is a lecture. The problem with lectures is they aren’t interactive. Sure, Billie Mays tried to ask and answer the questions he thought you might have. But you didn’t get to interact. Now we’ll never know if Oxi-Clean can erase dried on Mighty Putty. But that’s just one question...

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